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- A few months later -

You take a break and drink from your water bottle. You've been walking for a while now and even if the trees provide shadow, you're all really sweaty and tired. The other guys are behind you, sitting on flat rocks on the side of the path. You're enjoying the view from this cliff in the mountain. Maple Bay seems so tiny from up there, stuck between mountains and the sea. It looks truly majestic. Brian joins you and puts his big arm around your shoulder:

Brian: "Impressive view, right ? I wanted to show it to you, I thought you'd like it."

You: "You're right, it's really cool ! No wonder you come here often !"

Brian: "Just wait till you see what is at the top of the mountain ! It's really worth the trip !"

You keep walking on steep rocky paths which lead to the top. It is the hardest hike yet, vegetation is a hassle and makes it hard to reach the top. However you've almost made it, you feel proud about yourselves. You're all walking behind one another, Brian is leading the group.

He's always the one who takes care of the others, the one who's in charge of the medkit and the map, he has always everything anyone would need at any time and sometimes it's almost scary to see how much he's prepared. Whenever you're hiking, you feel like Brian is ready to face anything and it feels ... safe.

Also, you didn't tell Brian but no landscape would ever be a better view than walking behind him, you could look at his ass for hours, it's mesmerizing seeing his cheeks bounce as he walks the path ahead of you. You don't really remember when you fell in love with him, but as soon as you saw him, you felt like something was going to happen between you and him. Since he introduced you to his group of friends, you grew closer and closer, sharing much more with him than with the others. The other guys also noticed from the start that you and Brian had great chemistry.
Lucas interrupts your thoughts:

Lucas: "Hey Y/N, you're almost drooling ahah ! You should concentrate on where you walk, you could trip."

Then he tells you in a low voice so that Brian can't hear what he says:

Lucas: "No but seriously, when are you gonna tell him you like him ?"

You: "Fuck, is it really that obvious ?"

Lucas: "Bro, you're so not subtle, I wonder how it is possible he still doesn't know. Maybe he already knows ?"

You: "But I'm scared he's not gonna like me back. Do you think I should go for it ?"

Thomas: "Go for it, you coward. I don't know, ask him for a date or something."

Thomas is way more to the point than Lucas. You finally decide you're going to tell him this evening. But, in the meantime, nothing is keeping you from staring at him. Ten minutes later, you finally reach the summit and you understand what Brian was so excited to show you.

In front of you appears a large, crystal-clear lake surrounded by bushes. Brian tells you that he almost always catches big fishes here and that he enjoys this place because almost no one knows about it and so it really feels like paradise. And you get what he's saying, this area is so beautiful and quiet, it almost feels like humans are not supposed to be there.

You stay a couple of minutes and after taking some photos, you go down the mountain, which is much less exhausting. You're back at Noah's car by the end of the afternoon and while you're driving back to Maple Bay, you ask Brian if he would like to join you at "Maple Paradise" to grab a drink tonight. He gladly accepts and you notice he's blushing a little. Hard to tell with his freckles and his beard.

When you finally arrive at Maple Bay and everyone goes home, Lucas fistbumps you and makes a handsign meaning it's gonna be okay. You take the train and get to your appartment. You're a bit nervous as you shower and prepare for your date. You're thinking:

"Does he feel the same thing as me ? Does he like someone else ? Is he even gonna show up ?!"

Stop. Breathe. You try to handle these thoughts as much as you can. It's really strange, you've been on dates before but this time feels different. The truth is you're so excited you can't think straight ...

~The man with the floral shirt~ (Brian X Male Reader) Dream Daddy 18+Where stories live. Discover now