The date

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You hop off the train and take deep breaths as you walk in the streets. He agreed to spend the evening with you so it should be fine, right ? Or maybe he just sees that as hanging out with his friend ? Aaah, it's to late to go back now. You chose your outfit with care, not too casual, but not too formal either, something ideal for a date. You're really excited to see him, even though you were with him a few hours ago.

You take a left and walk down the bar's street. Finally you see Brian, he's leaning on the wall next to the bar, looking at his phone, a few meters away. The blue light of the neons is raining upon him. You clear your throat so your voice's not weird and call him:

You: "Hey Briaan! It's me, I'm here !"

Brian turns his head towards you and smiles. He's wearing an opened pink shirt with yellow patterns (pineapples maybe ?), a white tank top underneath and cargo shorts. He puts his phone in his pocket and walks towards you. He shakes your hand a bit longer than usual as you look into eachother's eyes.

Brian: "Hey (Y/N), I put on the shirt I bought yesterday! What do you think ?

You: "You look amazing! I mean Y-Yeah the shirt's great!"

You blush as you stare at Brian's priceless expression. He looks really happy and proud you said that.

Brian: "Thank you, I knew it was a good idea to buy it! So ... you wanna go inside ? I'm thirsty."

You: "Yeah me too, let's go!"

You push the door, wave at the barman, and sit down at a table near the counter. You're nervous again, you really don't know when or how to tell him you like him ... Brian sits right in front of you and orders a drink for both of you. You begin talking about today's hike, then you talk about your friends' potential matches in town. You laugh a lot as usual and the conversation gradually shifts towards the time Brian met them.

Brian: "I think Noah grew up here, and the others came after me in Maple Bay. I met them one day at a fun barbecue. It was ... maybe two years ago."

Brian makes an effort to remember the details of this encounter as you listen while taking little sips of beer. He continues talking, you focus on details about him, the little wrinkles on his strong hands, the red chest hair sticking out of his tank top, the way he scratches his beard when he's thinking ... You can't take your eyes off of him.

Brian: "To be honest, I don't plan on staying here, in my tiny appartment ... I think I'm just waiting for the right guy to settle in with."

You both take a sip of your drink, not saying anything; was he implying something ? You order your third drink as he asks you this:

Brian: "What about you ? What are you doing in a small town such as Maple Bay ?"

You: "Well, I think I've had enough of big cities for now ... life there is really stressful so I decided to apply for a job in a small town so I could figure things out. My parents aren't really happy ahah! They say I could make better use of my diplomas but as long as I'm happy, I don't think I need to change anything. And I'm really happy here ... because you're here with me."

You can't believe you actually said that. Did you actually say that ? You can feel yourself blushing but you try to hide it. You look at Brian, he looks surprised, but like, the good kind of surprised. He thanks you and chuckles and you both talk again like nothing happened. Except now, it seems your faces are a bit closer. Just a bit. It's already dark outside, there isn't too many people in the bar, you like the music the barman is playing. It's nice. Is it time to tell him? Brian is looking outside while drinking his beer.

You: "Brian ? You know I- I need to tell you that-"

Brian: "Yeah ?"

You: "... I'm really glad you made me discover this bar! Their cocktails are the best!"

Brian: "Oh ... yeah! I know right, they're the best in town!"

Fuck. You cant't do it, you don't wanna look like an idiot. It's okay you can try again later, chill. Besides, you don't mind talking with him some more, you could stay here all night, nothing's pressuring you. And that's exactly what you do, you tell yourselves stories for hours, without ever running out of things to say or ask. Then, after what felt like just a few minutes, Brian looks at his phone and goes:

Brian: "Oh shit! It's already 2:00 AM. Your train has left long ago ..."

You: "Wow, time went by quickly. Don't worry, I can take the next one."

Brian: "Except the next one comes at 6:30 AM. It was the last train for tonight"

You: "Oh. Shit."

Brian: "It's okay, you can spend the night at my place. I'm not gonna abandon you."

You: "Really ? Thanks man!"

Brian: "Besides I'm getting a bit tired ... Wanna go for a walk ?"

You: "Yeah, me too, sure let's go outside."

You pay for the drinks and leave. You can see almost as clear as day thanks to the moon and the stars. The air is a bit fresh and the streets are almost empty. We can hear the ocean from here. You stretch your arms and as you walk next to Brian, you realize that maybe you drank a bit too much. You don't talk much, you're both enjoying the fresh air. Then, out of nowhere, your hand reaches his and you grab his hand. You're not looking at eachother, however it was so natural. His hand is warm and a bit rough, much larger than yours.

He's smiling, you look at eachother and you can't stop smiling. Whatever this is, you don't want it to stop. Then he stops walking and faces you. You've never seen him make this face before. Slowly, he lowers his head, lifts your chin and puts his hand on the back of your neck. You put yours around his waist as your faces get closer. It's happening. You close your eyes and kiss. You can't think of anything except how much you love this. His beard is tickling you, his other hand grabs your waist and pulls you closer, against his big gut. It lasts a few seconds but it felt like minutes. You look at eachother and chuckle a bit. You kiss again, more possionately, then Brian puts his arm around your shoulder and says:

Brian: "We're almost there, come on."

~The man with the floral shirt~ (Brian X Male Reader) Dream Daddy 18+Where stories live. Discover now