A Fight & New Friends

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"I watched your dance with Mr. Dolohov, I was quite impressed with how you handled the situation." Kingsley told the young witch he was dancing with.

Hermione smiled, "Thank you."

Kingsley eyed her carefully as they danced, "Have you ever considered working in politics?"

"Well," Hermione blushed, "If I'm being honest Voldemort didn't really let me think you much about a career in anything."

"Yes, I'm sure you had more important things to think about those last few years, but I want you to think about working at the ministry with me. Not in some small job but something where you feel you could make the biggest difference. I see big things in your future Hermione."

The curly haired witch smiled, "Thank you Kingsley, that really means alot to me."

"Of course! I know you have a lot on your plate with the Order and I want you to know I will help you in any way I can, regardless of if you come work with me or not." he winked as the song came to an end.

"Thank you for both the dance and the encouragement Minister." Hermione said before parting ways with her fellow Order member.

If it wasn't for her photographic memory, Hermione would never be able to remember all the names of everyone who danced with her. As two am rolled around, she was itching for people to leave so she could relax and goto bed.

"Drink this." Pansy said as she handed Hermione a Champaign glass.

"Why does it look weird?" the young witch asked as she looked into the glass at its contents.

Pansy smiled, "It's a pepper-up potion, I see you yawning and we've still got a ways to go yet. Purebloods like to party and until they all leave you can't goto bed like I know you want to."

"Pans I dont think I would have survived today without you." Hermione said as she hugged her friend, "Thank you."

"Of course, now drink that and find your boyfriend." Pansy said with a chuckle.

Hermione chugged back the glass quick and looked at her friend with wide eyes, "Why what happened?" she aked.

"He's threatening to hex anyone who dances with you before him." Pansy laughed, "I think it was hard for him watch all those other men hold you."

Hermione giggled, "Well it's not like they were feeling me up." she said as the two girls went in search of Draco.

"No," Pansy hummed, "but they still wern't him, you know?"

"I do." Hermione smiled before frowning, "Have you seen Ginny or Harry since Gin's little freak out?"

Pansy frowned and shook her head, "No, I'm sorry. Why do you think she freaked out so bad?"

"Well," Hermione took a breath, "Dolohov was one of the people who were involved with her uncle's deaths. No one knows who actually cast the killing curses but he was there so naturally she's going to blame him personally."

"But you don't?"

Hermione shrugged, "It was a war and they were on opposite sides. Everyone lost someone but the pain wont go away if we hold on to it."

"That's a good way to look at it actually." Pansy said with a quick head nod.

Hermione smiled at her as they approached the balcony where the group of Slytherins Draco and Blaise were talking to stood.

Draco smiled when he caught sight of Hermione. "Boys, you all know my Hermione right?"

Everyone looked to her as Draco spoke, "Well we all know of her, I mean who doesn't?" Marcus Flint said with a chuckle that all the others joined in on.

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