Chapter 31

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Ahgoney had told his brothers and Draven what he had done and saw, Draven eyes were glowing and his fangs were longer than usual. Guess that was the Windigo in him, he was just so quiet though. Which for Draven was not normal, he always has something to say.

Ahgoney felt bad for the male, but they all loved Eboney too maybe not like him, but she was no less part of their family and he was going to help get her back. He knew Hharm was trying to hide his fears and emotions from everyone, because he was quiet as well and he wasn't a quiet male either... he never kept his opinions to himself, so he knew Hharm was really, really upset, but she was his best friend  more or less. Either way Ahgoney was getting a migraine from everyone's deep settled thoughts that were going on.

"She looks okay, but she was not holding up mentally very good, I want to go back in now." Ahgoney said as he sucked in on his smoke.

"Ahgoney, your going to kill yourself if you back in again." Stryker growled and he sat in his desk thinking.

"Don't tell me what I know I can do!" Ahgoney shouted as he let a puff of smoke out.

"No, She would be devastated if you killed yourself." Draven spoke over him.

"I want to do this, you didn't see her...she can't do this for much longer."

"Fuck that, no on needs to die! You said she can feel me, I will just go where I can feel her strongest."

"It's not that simple if she is in the wasteland then every where is the strongest point, it has a block over it too so that nothing can get it or out... that's the point so that Kraven can't find his way... but walker are or were human they don't need the block to get in or out. If she is in there your going to need a miracle." Malicous added.

"So you're on his side?" Draven asked.

"Well Ahgoney has got a chance at something and at this point that's all that matters!" Malicous answered.

"No, Eboney would be devastated if Ahgoney dies over this, he is a father to one of her children and it's not even that, you..." Draven rubbed his eyes.

"She loves all of you and if you risk your lives knowingly that you will die for her, then she would have to live with it and it would devastate her." Draven added.

"I have to agree with Draven for once Eboney would never want that..." Hharm spoke up.

"I love you Ahgoney, but if you would have offered me the same option I would have taken it. Eboney will get over it... those months are a living hell you go though ever single fucking day with out sleep laying in your bed wondering if she is okay... wondering what living nightmare she is going to suffer or if your ever going to even see her again. Then night comes and the rage of finding her feels you, the endless killing rampages and when you can't do that you work yourself to death so unless you want to live that nightmare take Ahgoney's help your in a small window right now Draven especially with her being pregnant before something happens to them all!" Malicious explained.

"I want to do this Draven maybe not for your sanity, but for my own and she is carrying my child too and she isn't my mate, but like you just said I care about her too! I want to do it!" Ahgoney shouted.

"Shut the fuck up, you're not strong enough right now. You were coughing up blood and having seizers, your not doing it!"  Draven screamed back.

"I will do it." A soft sweet voice said from the door way.

They all looked to the door and saw Scarlett. "I am mentally stronger than Ahgoney, he can rest and feed and I will go. I do not know if I can speak to her like Ahgoney, but I can move and look around."

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