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The cops come and I'm talking to them about everything. Even the fight that'd happened between me and Andrew.
I only see three body bags being carried out on stretchers.
When suddenly.
One of the paramedics bravely interrupt me and the policeman conversation.
"Ma'am? We'd only spotted 3 people in the house."

I looked puzzled.
"Wait...what do you mean only 3 people? ?'re talking about the guy who was knocked out right?"
As I continuously tried to describe the guy. They'd pointed him out.
"Are you talking about that guy?"
He pointed towards the patrol car.
"Yes but...isn't there another guy who was literally shot like five times from self defense?"
I tried to explain to them. Andrew was inside of the house with the rest of the bodies.

"Is this person a gentleman or a female? What was he/she?"
He asked to try and get more details out of me.

"A Caucasian male. Blue eyes, 5'9 with dark hair?"
Giving them more details.
"Did you guys find anything?"
I asked. Hoping that they would've had found more evidence.

"I'm afraid that we didn't find anything. We're sorry."

*He escaped*

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