Prologue I

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The sky was blazing red. Heaven was terrified of their brother while Hell was weeping for their queen. God was watching his son; the light bringer, on his knees with his heart shattered, being slowly enveloped by darkness.

Samael slowly rose from the ground, gone was the warmth present in his ever glowing eyes, the same warmth that made God give him his own kingdom, though it was filled with darkness, he had given it to Samael because Samael's warmth and light was the only thing that could keep the darkness of hell at bay.

But now, no one could differentiate the darkness that came from Samael and the darkness that surrounded him.

"I am no longer Samael, I will be Lucifer, the fallen angel; rejoice, for you have achieved your goals. Everything that was pure in me has been ripped away. You took her from me and now you shall receive what you asked for."

Everyone from hell, heaven and earth watched as Lucifer ripped out his beautiful white wings, the brightest of them all, with his bare hands.

A glow as bright as that of the sun enveloped Lucifer, soon it turned darker than the pits of hell, from it emerged Lucifer with wings as black as coal, but more magnificent than anything even God had seen.

And so the prince of darkness was born.

I hope you guys liked the prologue.

Author MN.

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