Chapter 33: Where Are You

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Jimin's pov

My mind was blank, my hands were frozen cold and I couldn't think straight, what she said definitely shocked me, and I regret all the words that came out of my mouth

I only said that to push her away from me, I made a mistake of kissing her when I was supposed to help her move on from me, until she told me the truth

All of us were gathered here right after we got a call from Jennie, saying Ellysa didn't came home earlier from her morning practice, they were all sitted on the sofas while I was left standing up walking left to right

"Hyung, I think we should call the police" Taehyung said looking at Yoongi

Ellysa's missing.

"Let us not jump into conclusions, its just been hours since she's missing and we can't just call the police" Yoongi said

I told Yoongi hyung about what really happened between the both of us earlier this morning and he agreed to keep it between the both of us, he understood what I did and he didn't say anything about it

"She went here so early in the morning and was asking for Jimin but Jimin was out" Hoseok hyung spoke up

"She also called me earlier today, but I just woke up and never really processed what she said to me" Taehyung said

"Can you recall what she said?" Namjoon asked

"She said something about telling Jimin something" Taehyung said and their eyes automatically all went to me

"Then Ellysa must've looked for you" Jin hyung said leaning his back against the sofa before looking at me

"We talked" I said deciding to let them know

They were now all focused on me except for Yoongi hyung whose still trying to call Ellysa

"She ran away after our conversation" I said and looked away not wanting to give more informations

"What did you guys talk about?" Taehyung asked standing up looking at me

"Taehyung it's their privacy-" Namjoon was cutted off when Taehyung shouted

"He must've done something for Ellysa to disappear just like that!" Taehyung shouted and Namjoon just went silent

Their eyes went on me, silence erupted the room and only Yoongi hyung's sighs were heard, they were all waiting for me to speak and explain everything

"She told me we were allowed to date again" I started

It definitely earned a chaotic reaction, they didn't know whether they should be happy or sad, they were confused

"Well that's good news! What did you say?" Hoseok asked smiling

"Actually before that, she asked me if there was something happening between Seulgi and I" I said, they didn't react this time, they were waiting for me to explain further

"But I said some wrong things and before I knew it, she just ran away" I said looking down, I could sense that they understood the situation but Taehyung was the opposite

He suddenly lunges to throw a punch at me making me fall hard on the floor

"Mark my words, I'll do this again if something bad happened to her" Taehyung said as Jin and Jungkook immediately held him while Namjoon went straight to me

I was fueled with anger, my knuckles turned white from balling up my fists, He's definitely overreacting, I only want the best for her, if I knew the truth I wouldn't have done that

"What is it to you huh?!" I shouted, Hoseok suddenly stood up and as well as Yoongi

I stood up and was held by Namjoon again trying to hold me back

"She's important Jimin, she's my friend"  Taehyung said tearing up

"Friend my ass, you still fucking like her!" I shouted, Taehyung remained silent, I was in my own world, I only see the person whose trying to steal my girl from me secretly

"Admit it Tae, you're just lurking around her so that someday she'll change her mind and fucking want you instead!" He broke loose from Jungkook and Jin and ran to me, he held my shirt up as he stared at me

"I fucking wish for that Jimin, but all she thinks about is you!, and I won't ever forgive you if your haste decisions put her into harm" Taehyung said with gritted teeth, Jungkook pulled him from me as we were both crying

It's true..

Where are you Ellysa?

Author's pov



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