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Chat Blanc stood atop the highest balcony of the Eiffel tower. He had been waiting for his father for quite a long time now. His temper began flaring already, Gabriel Agreste was late to meet his son, and Hawk Moth had something to do with it. How typical of him. Even when he didn't know it was his son he kept him waiting. Maybe it was in vain. Maybe he should just go and find him so he could rip that old man to shreds. Chat Blanc wanted to find what was his, not wait for something that owned him, even in this moment. Chat Noir was his only escape from the control of Gabriel Agreste, and now even this has been tainted by his father's influence.

The only way to escape this, the only way to finally make his life his own, was to kill him. And this time it would be no painless blast. This time, he swore to himself, he would make his father suffer. For locking him up his whole life, for hiding his mother away, for becoming and staying as Hawk Moth, for Marinette. For everything. Chat Blanc had killed before. And now he was more than ready to do it again. He looked at the claws of his gloves, they seemed sharp enough. If he could climb with them, he could cut with them.

The mass fluttering of small wings drew Chat Blanc's attention up from bloodstained fantasy lands, bringing him to look up at Hawk Moth. He stared directly into Hawk Moth's eyes. Even as he spoke, he could see red blood flowing from emptied sockets taking the place of those eyes.

" This will prove helpful for our mission," he began as he showed Chat Blanc the book in his hands, the miraculous book, " If we can find the Guardian with the Miracle Box, we can then take the Rabbit miraculous, and go back in time to get a living Ladybug."

Chat Blanc nodded, " Can I see a few pages?" he asked. To which Hawk Moth agreed and handed him the book. He flipped through a few pages, stopping at an illustration of a Ladybug miraculous holder. He suddenly felt his heartbeat settle down, seeing that familiar pattern brought him a deep comfort he didn't know was possible. For as long as he stared at that picture, the image of the woman captivated all of his thoughts, quieting his rage. He closed the book.

Chat stepped closer to his father, holding the book out to him. The longer he went without looking at the picture, the more he could feel his rage build back up until it filled him. Hawk Moth reached for it, just in time for Chat to drop it on the ground.

Chat's hand shot out like a bullet, snatching the exposed butterfly miraculous off of Hawk Moth, threw it as far as he could, and shoved Gabriel Agreste to the ground. He almost killed him with a cataclysm ball, but he stopped himself. He didn't deserve to die the same way Ladybug did. He swore he would make him suffer. Chat launched the ball of destruction into a random wall, toppling it.

He squatted down and grabbed Gabriel by the shirt collar, pulling him into a sitting position, and he said the last words he would ever hear.

" I'll trap you in hell like you did me, father."

And then the bloodied screams began.

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