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Marinette's mind was clouded with waves of worry and tremors of fear as she walked along. It was very hard to trust someone who barged into your school drenched in blood after terrorizing you for a day straight. She felt the weight of his eyes on her, knowing that the white cat was stalking his prey at this very moment. The fact that felines were carnivorous stuck in Marinette's head, and she shuddered to think of what this deranged feline would do to her, judging by Lila's corpse. 

She rounded the corner and stopped in front of the bakery door. The sign had been switched to closed. Marinette reached for the door handle, testing if it was open. The door was locked. This was the little thing that sent Marinette over the edge, as she crumpled to the ground and broke out in sobs. She had no one to hold her close and protect her, she had to stay alone in her home, her parents were gone, she was powerless again, and she knew that he would come to her there, the only thing she didn't know was what he'd do when he did. 

Tikki emerged from the miraculous, pressing herself against Marinette's cheek. Tikki herself felt like she was about to cry. All she wanted to do was help Marinette feel safe. Marinette heard footsteps approaching from the other side of the door, but didn't bother to look up. Tikki darted back into the bag. In the midst of Marinette's mental breakdown, she didn't want to shatter the fantasy that her father would open the door, scoop her up, take her back to bed, and end this nightmare. 

Marinette felt a hand on her shoulder. Too small to be her father's, and too cold to be her mother's. She heard a rustle of fabric as the person kneeled down in front of her, their hand moving to stroke her back. They pressed their forehead to hers. Marinette kept her eyes closed, not wanting to see. She knew who it was. She didn't care if he looked like her protector or her tormentor, the little fluttering demon turned him into a monster either way.

Marinette felt his arms move around her. One nesting under her knees, the other hooking on the small of her back, twin snakes slithering against her clothing. She was gently lifted up and carried inside, the door shutting behind them both. He carried her upstairs, as gently and smoothly as he could. She couldn't feel his claws digging into her skin, so she assumed he was in the form he had decieved her with.

Marinette heard a door open, and a few moments later, was gingerly laid on something soft. She wondered if this was another one of his deceptions, or if it was the last before he finally tore her limb from limb. The thought made her shudder. She didn't want to learn the true nature of death. She could feel a shift in weight, and knew he was sitting next to her. 

" I told you, I'm not going to hurt you." he assured softly.

" You weren't going to let me purify you, but you didn't tell me that. You were going to kidnap me and steal my earrings, but I wasn't told that either." Marinette weakly replied. She could tell from his momentary silence that she had made a point. 

" I didn't plan those..." he pleaded, " I just couldn't control myself."

Marinette sat up, curling up in a ball, clenching her fists and refusing to look at him, " Then what did you plan?" 

He hesitated. He hadn't thought past seeing her again. She still kept her head down and her eyes closed. He didn't want to see her like this, " Marinette... Please open your eyes." he begged. 

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