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What's a group of mean girls without their dashing boys?
Kendall, all round cool boy and wearer of leather jackets happens to be the "leader" of the "boy group" who happened to also have their names form "KINGS"
Lucky us.
Ian the joker, Niall the sweet, Gerald the gamer and Sawyer. I didn't know much about him except his curly hair.
I snapped out of my daydream when Emery's car jerked a bit to the right. I turned and gave her the stink eye. Was this girl trying to kill us both? She winked cheekily as she continued touching up her lip gloss. Again.

Oh yeah... Today's the day.

Emery had been crushing on Kendall forever. She hadn't told him yet and she said she'd do it today.
That explained all the lip-gloss.
It was enough to paint a picture.

We got to school and she parked her car and then we got down, the other girls were there. Two texting and one reading a book.
Kendall and his friends were lounging around their cars. He approached us with a smile.

Ow. Emery was gripping my arm as if it was the cause of all her woes..
This was a side effect of keeping her secret.
I always got my arm gripped when he approached. I can't believe no one noticed this.

She should just tell him and free me.
I mean the worst thing that can happen is for him to say no.

"Hey Emery, Hey Lacey."
Kendall smiled at us both " Hey Kendall, oh did you see yesterday's episode?"
She looped her arm in his and they started to walk away.
She throws a saucy wink over her shoulder at me and I laughed.
The rest of us walked in semi silence.
There wasn't really the need to say anything at the moment.

Kendall had gotten the principal to get us lockers at the same place so we usually walked there together. Just for show.

Apart from this group, I couldn't really call anyone else my friend and it was a bit weird because we had all been lumped together  because we were rich or something like that.
It was difficult getting new friends too because everyone already had made up their minds about us. Rich brats.

They all chatted animatedly while I quietly took my books from my locker. Apparently I'm the "ice queen" of the popular girls.
You know, the one who manages to be both quiet and mean at the same time. It doesn't really help that my hair looks less blonde and more white. Very few people believe it's natural.

I started to walk and soon Emery joined me; the other girls had gone too, Tess vanished last, flouncing up her hair one more time before she left. Had Emery told Kendall already?
It was when we were smaller in number that I heard them.
The whispering.
I won't say I wasn't used to them, because I was and I don't know what at all the student body gossiped about. We were literally the same as them.
Except maybe...

I turned "hey Em..." and then I saw her face. She was breathing heavily and her face had turned red.
It's either she was very angry or she was suffocating.
It's probably anger...

And judging by the way she was starting to grip her book tightly, she was journeying from Anger  into the unknown and honestly I knew she would blow soon.

And then.
Someone bumped into her.
She turned on the pubescent boy with glasses.........
Well this ought to be fun

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