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"I'm home!" I called, closing the door behind me as I kicked off my sneakers, wiggling my toes in my socks, and making my way down the hall. From here, I could hear the TV going on and I already knew my older brother, Aiden, was home. During the Summer, he had basically sat on the couch like a bum and if he wasn't at home, he was at football camp or wandering around with the guys and I.

Walking into the living room area, I was right. Sprawled along the couch, his shirt off, a football in his lap, and a bowl of cereal planted on his stomach.

"Hey, kiddo." I looked over to the kitchen area where my dad was, grinning with his blue 'I'm the boss here' apron on. Mom had given him that apron...

I smiled, "Hey dad."

I glanced back over to the couch, "Dork."

Aiden smirked, tilting his head back as she shot me a crooked smile, "Loser."

Aiden was barely a year older than me but he liked to act like he was three years older than me. I had managed to barely make the age cut for school, but it was funny because a lot of people thought we were just twins since we were in the same grade. Fraternal, not identical. Aiden likes to joke all the time about that. He likes to think that if we had shared a womb, he would have yanked me back in when the time had come to evacuate the 'house'.

Evil, he's evil I tell you.

Getting off the couch, Aiden came into the kitchen where dad and I were, "Do anything fun today?" Dad asked, dropping some vegetables into the pan. The veggies hissed in the pan as he stirred them.

I shook my head, "No. It was too hot to do anything besides grab some books and go back home."

"You could've stayed inside." Aiden pointed to the ceiling, tossing the football into the air before catching it, "AC."

I snorted, "And become a couch potato like you? I'll pass."

My brother smirked, shrugging, "That's fine with me. More chips and couch space for me."

"You have Dorito powder on your face."

"You better not have gotten that stuff all over my couch." Dad gave Aiden the look, pointing at him with the wooden spoon.

"I didn't, dad."

"Hmm." My dad muttered.

Laughing, I reached across the counter and snatched a sliced piece of tomato and popped it into my mouth, "What's for dinner?" Dad whacked Aiden with the spoon when my brother got too close to the pan.


Ah yes! I loved taco night!

Aiden groaned, "It's not even Tuesday."

"Hey!" I pointed at Aiden as I popped another tomato into my mouth, "No haters allowed in this kitchen. Talk to the boss." I smirked, nudging my chin at dad who puffed out his chest, showing off his apron.

Aiden's face scrunched up as he looked down at the apron, then back at dad, "You know that's a woman's apron, right?"

Oh god, I couldn't hold it back any longer. Bursting out laughing, tears welled in my eyes as I clutched my stomach. I don't think dad actually knew that though which made it ten times funnier.

Dad scowled, his chest deflating, "What are you even doing in my kitchen?" He pointed a finger back to the living room, "Out."

"Aw! Come one dad, I was joking. You look great."

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