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The lady at the register handed me two huge mugs filled with hot chocolate, both with a mountain of whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles.

Ohhhh gods of food and sweet deserts, thank you for bestowing upon me this heavenly treat called whipped cream. Without it, I'd be a fat blob of nothingness.... Amen to that!

"I got extra sprinkles for the man-baby." I cackled, setting Kaden's drink in front of him.

"Real mature," Kaden smirked.

"I'm always mature." My pointer finger and thumb held the little hand holder thing, and with the assistance of my other hand--because frankly, my fingers were the size of sticks--I picked up my mug and sipped. Pinky out, of course.

Setting my mug down, I grinned at Kaden. His stormy eyes watched me carefully, the corner of his lips twitching as he took in my new and improved facial appearance.

"Who knew mustaches looked so good on you, buttercup? "Kaden joked.

I waved a hand at his last comment, sniffling, "Please, I look good in everything." And with a gesturing hand, I displayed my little mustache like it was art in a museum.

Kaden arched a dark brow at me, "And you call me the arrogant one..."

"This just shows what a bad influence you are on me. I wouldn't even have come up with that comment if you hadn't rammed your way into my life." Quickly catching another meaning to my words, I shot him a glare, "And when I say rammed, I mean you almost hitting me with a car... not us doing...that."

"Are you sure about that? Mustaches and bossiness have never really been my type, but I'm sure I can arrange something just for you, buttercup? We can throw in a little foreplay, hell, I'll even wear a damn mustache if you want!"

Of course, freaking Kaden would come up with something like that. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to cringe, burst out laughing, or smack some sense into him.

"I'll pass."

"Sure you will. Tell me that the next time you decide to nap in my arms. I hope you know that you're quite a loud snorer. I could barely concentrate on the sky with all the snoring you were doing. Hell, I think you woke the whole neighborhood." Kaden leaned his forearms against the table, moving closer to my face and the dainty little mustache I still had no wiped away. "Although, I think you'll be doing quite a lot of snoring after all the time we'll be spending together. I plan on using every single minute." Humming the last part, a grin that matched the Devil's, spread across his face. And for the first time in my 17 years of life, I began to feel like I seriously was selling my soul to Satan himself.

But with that said, there were more important things to freak out about, such as...

Oh god no! OH GOD NO! Why?! I thought we took care of this, which means, I thought he forgot about it or planned on not mentioning it, EVER!! This is so embarrassing... I can't believe I actually fell asleep on him! And I freaking snored in his face! And I'm not talking about cute little snores some people have because honestly, there are just some people in this world who can wake up like freaking sleeping beauty and snore like a bunny! Oh, no, no, no! When I say snore, I mean like a freaking pig during cold season, their airway on steroids!

I was not going to be humiliated by this! Calm and collected! Think of rainbows and butterflies! Calm. Cool. Collected... I'M SO FREAKING EMBARRASSED!

Heat had rushed up my neck and to my cheeks, and the best part of the whole thing was the fact that when I got red, I got very, very red.

"Oh... You... Fat Baboon!... You can go shove it where the sun doesn't shine-"

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