"Well, Y/n. Ready to start our race to become champion?"

I rolled my eyes. I was an average student with average intelligence, In surprised that's Hop's mom offered to pay for my tuition for the school.

I blinked my eyes as I continued to stare at the school. "Hey Hop?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"Do you think the school has uniforms that are a little less, feminine?" I asked my question, narrowing my eyes. "And maybe ones that aren't so, tight?" I added. The school had stupid uniforms everyone had to wear and they gave everyone gendered uniforms based on what gender they were assinged at birth.

"Just talk to Headmaster Rose or his assintant! You know Lee did that and it worked out fine!" Hop said. Leon had been open about being trans ever since I could remember, which helped me fingure out I am trans.

"I know but I'm really not looking forward to being misgendered or deadnamed. I'm glad that this is a boarding school though, another day living with my mom would've driven me to commit arson."

"Here lets go in before anyone else so you can talk to someone about your uniform and your name," Hop said dragging me with him.

When he said that the bell rang. "I thought orintation wasn't supposed to start for another 10 minutes?" Hop said sounding confused.

"Your brother is pants with directions just like your pants with time, I'll talk to someone after orintation let just go!" I said before running to the auditorium, after he loosened his grip when the bell had rang.


268 words.
This is gonna be a story I work on it'll have smaller chapters and be more space in updates, but it'll update.
Also I based this on Greyrain1 school AU. It's in her one shot book

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