I had made it to the auditorium and I had gazed in before I just stood outside the door, terrified of the large crowd inside.

Hop was panting as he caught up with me. "When did you get so fast?" He asked, between pants.

"Shh!" I hushed him as I did not want to be forced to sit in the crowd.

"Enough about me, I will turn everything over to the President or as you all know him as, Champion Leon," The headmaster said. Everything was in silence before someone who wasn't Hop's brother came onto the stage. He had whispered something into the Headmaster's ear.

The head master had covered the mic so not many could hear him. "Okay, have Sonia look around for him, I'll continue the oriteering from here but be quick please." The kid ran back off the stage. "There is a slight problem, but no need to worry, I'll continue the orienteering by myself."

"Should we help find Lee?" Hop asked me in a whisper standing outside the auditorium with me. I shook my head as a response.

"Class size will be roughly ten to fiveteen people. There are a lot of students, but we have more than enough teachers," The headmaster smiled. "After orintation is over you will be directed to your homeroom teacher. You may ask them any questions that you may have, if you need to talk to me for any reason don't be shy to come to my office. I'm always willing to help. While our president of student counsil is still being looked for I would suggest everyone pick up a copy of their schueduale from the table that has the first letter of your last name."

I drew in a shakey breath as the people started bustling. "Hey Y/n, it's okay I'll get your schedule too, My last name is right after yours alphabetically after all," Hop said calming me down.

I sighed, "Thanks Hop," I smiled as he went and grabbed our schedules. I stood there waiting for him when I saw a lady walking in the halls. She seemed familiar but I didn't know from where.

"I'm sorry miss, but you need to be in the auditorium," She said kindly.

"O-oh, um, I-I'm sorry but could I stay here please I can't stand big crowds and I really would have the least amount of attention drawn to me," I said struggling to get out. I was nervous, then Hop had come back with our schedules.

"Miss Oleana?" Hop asked before saying. "Y/n this is perfect! Miss Oleana is Headmaster Rose's assintant," Hop said happily.

Miss Oleana had reconized Hop and gave him a small smile. "You need to talk?" Oleana had asked me.

"Uh yes about a couple things," I had gotten out without studdering.

"Okay, come with me. Hop you should finish orinteering," Oleana told him.

"Okay miss!" He said happily. "Oh Y/n we don't have any classes together," Hop said handing me my schedule.

"Dan-nng it," I said catching myself before I swore in front of the assintant headmaster.

"We can still hang out before and after school officailly starts and during lunch," Hop said happily.

"Okay see you then," I said before following Miss Oleana. I gave him a wave and a small smile.

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