The halls were quiet and empty but I went to my homeroom. You could hear the shoes tapping with every step I took, thats how quiet the halls were.

The door to my homeroom was closed, so I opened it. There was a single person in there so I asked "Is this Mrs. Circhester?"

"Oh hun, please call me Melony," She said with a smile on her face. "You must be, Y/n correct?" She asked me.

I nodded my head in response to her, a small smile on my face. She was calling me my preferred named already.  "Well freshman orientation hasn't ended yet due to Leon's disappearance," She told me, sighing slightly.

I starting thinking, "Maybe he's in a bathroom somewhere, I remember him telling me that bathrooms are like a save haven for him, maybe because they help his dysphoria?" I said after thinking for a bit.

"That could be, it won't be the first time someone found him in the bathroom. Though it may be best to let them find him on their own," Melony said. "Sometimes kids want to be alone, it's best to let them be alone."

"That sounds like what an understanding mother would say," I commented since my mom had never been like that.

"Well I am a mom so it makes sense," She said letting a small smile grace her lips.

"Really? I would've never been able to tell," I said she seemed to look like a young teacher maybe in her mid to late twenties.

"Yeah, though my son doesn't enjoy my company," She said her small smile disappearing.

"Well I'll enjoy your company, you could be like a mom to me," I said perking up, it would be nice to have an understanding mom.

"Ah thank you, but maybe this is something that should be talked about a different time."

I was confused but then a bell rang, "Weather they found Leon or not thats the sound for other years to check in with the teachers they'll have tommorrow at this time and for freshman oreintation to be over and for them to go to their homerooms. Oh and in class call me Ms. Circhester, you seem like a nice kid who may need some help so I want us to keep it a bit more casual," Melony said.

"Oh okay," I said somewhat surprised.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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