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Authors note
Alright I would like to clarify, so this is during one of the quest around the 6-7 piece. But after what happens next to where you'll be going in the portal, around chapter 1. Season 6 will be started, Incase if any confusion so we're still not in season 5, when you go to RWBY world basically few moments. Now this is kinda late since season 7 is literally about to come out but this was SUPPOSE to come out after finish bioshock but ya know what? Fuck it, fuck that story I'm just gonna write off the bit it leaves then say end. I'm sorry, but it's making me drag my downfall here, I apologize for such delays over it. It was my dumbass idea, but this is now finally different.

There has been a group, not just any group...a group of legends, each in there own special ways. Some strong! Some smart, some broken..(fix pathfinder :<) but anyway, this was the outlands! A ship was moving towards a place which be called kings canyon, the area for a battle royale where people fight to the death of becoming there new champions so on, but what could be planning at the moment? Well for the next piece! As there has been an incident...including crypto, a mysterious hacker whose been hunted down and been needing vengeance after he's been framed for murder. Some of the others have been keeping an eye on him after the incident...

Crypto P O V
I am an idiot.
I know that's not true. I'm a genius. But the longer Wattson and I spend in the back of Mirages bar working on the artifact. The more I realize...I'm not even close to her level.

Crypto: "And the Faraday Armature does what exactly?" I questioned her, as we've been trying to work with the artifact

Wattson: "It does many things, but it mostly acts as a shield against a wide range of electromagnetic and electrostatic interferences. While also providing an ideal resonance environment for the core!" She happily explained, before I could speak. She continued

Wattson: "But I don't think it belonged to her. See these pins along the side of the armatures? I think it was retrofitted" hearing the part of her, kinda confused me

Crypto: "Her?" Wattson nodded, answering my confusion

Wattson: "Boys are loud and obvious. This artifact... it's very coy. Mysterious. Definitely a Girl." Thinking with her answer, I've simply chuckled replying back

Crypto: "Aren't you a smarty-pants?" I've joked, making her now. Confused

Wattson: "A what?" Huh, strange girl Wattson to not get that..

Crypto: "You've never heard of that before? My mom used to say it all the time. 'Aren't you a smarty-pants?'" Making me chuckle, as she only sighed

Wattson: "I never knew my mom. She died before my first birthday." Hearing it made me feel a bit guilty

Crypto: "I'm sorry" she only smiled shaking her head

Wattson: "Thank you, but I'm not sad. I never knew what I was missing." Sighing that was a little awkward..

Crypto: "You're very direct." Making her giggle

Wattson: "That's what smart-pants usually are." Smiling, it reminded me the old days

Crypto: "You know, I'm glad wraith convinces us to see this through. I like working with you." Giving a small smile she replied back

Wattson: "I like working with you too. It's fun to boss you around while I'm recovering. Can you get the SCOMP housing lifeline and Gibraltar brought back please?" Nodding, I get up as Wattson looks over at my drone, hovering perfectly still in my chair. She given out a question

Wattson: "Why didn't you program hack with a personality?" She asked, making me sigh

Crypto: "It's just a drone" answering her, she started to think then give an idea

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