
9 1 6

Seokjin pov

I get in early preparing myself to go and meet namjoon. I wasn't going to kid myself I am nervous and you can't blame me he did kill his whole family. The thing is , maybe we don't know the whole story I'm not sure what to think anymore.I could hear my heart beating in my head I grabbed my headphones and put runaway by Eric nam on , his voice is so soothing it helpes me relax. I open up my emails and check if anyone has emailed me . But it's just my manager telling me what time my shift ends. I grab my coffee and take a long sip.

Next thing I knew I was on the floor with a laughing hoseok stood at the side of my chair.

'It's not funny you scared the daylight out of me' I say

'It kinda is tho isn't it' he says between breaths.
He puts out his hand and pulls me up.
'So you nervous' he says

'Kinda it's like I don't know I have never been with someone who has killed his whole family you have to be pretty heartless to do that'.

'I guess , but we never know the whole story so don't try to think about it too much'.hoseok says trying to reassure me
'I was worried on my first day too'.
Him saying that did make me feel better at least I want the only one who is sacred

'I can ask one of the guards to go with you if you want?' He says
'Yeah I guess that would make me feel better'

'I'll give him a call'. Hoseok says

When he takes out his phone and on the back was a picture of him and yoongi . I guessed they where good friends but I never thought they would be anything more than that.But I'm not one to judge.

'Hey hoseok, are you and yoongi a thing'. I ask trying not to be too straight forward. I did feel bad putting my nose in his business but I don't think he would mind.
'It's complicated' he says rubbing the back of his neck

'Your guard is on his way down' he says smiling .

' ah okay' trying to weave my way out of the awkwardness

And as if on queue a guy maybe the same height as me walks in. He is in very good shape and obviously works out a lot. He looks like he could knock someone out in a punch.

'Hi my name is Wonho' he says shaking my hand. I say shaking more like crushing my hand.

'So I'm taking you up to KNJ'he says

By the confused look on my face he could tell I didn't understand. I'm new to this whole thing

'Kim Namjoon , we use it so can protect the privacy of the patients here, a few years ago somone managed to escape because of the information that was let out ever since then we have to keep extra care with who we tell information too '. Wonho tells me

'Yeah makes sense' I say trying to hide my embarrassment.

I follow Wonho down a set of corridors . All around me I could hear screams and cry's and people begging for help. In all fairness I did feel bad they seemed like they where in a lot of pain and I don't like seeing people in pain. The bright lights and the clicking of my shoes against the floor didn't help either. It felt like I was in a movie . Except it wasn't a movie . It was real I was on my way to meet a real criminal.

It's here he says stoping in front of a door with many locks. I look at him and I think he could tell I was nervous.
' Do you want me to come in' he asks
'No it think it would be better if you stayed outside'. I say

I take my card and unlock the doors. One by one the metal seals started to open the door begins to slowly creek open . I walked through the door and saw a man sat on a metal bed wearing a straight jacket.  At this point my heart heated 100 times faster than it did before. but I couldn't let him see that . I was the one here to help him.

'Hello dr kim' he says smirking.

Sorry it took so long for me to update I'm gunna try update a bit more :) stay safe 💜

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