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His voice was enough to send shivers down my spine.He was sat on a cold metal bed. It looks extrémale unconfortable. He had his straight jacket rapped around him but he still looked cold. His face was extremely pail and he had dark bags under his coffee brown eyes. His brown hair dangled over his forehead.His eyebrows where sharp which worked well with his cherry red lips.

The moment I stepped through the doorway a cold breeze hit me . I shut the door and went and sat over by a lonely chair in the corner of the cold, dull room.I glanced up and we made a split second of eye contact .

'This isn't going to be easy you know your not going to get anything out of me' he said smirking.

'And why's that namjoon ?' I ask wanting to know more.

'HOW DARE YOU CALL ME BY HIS NAME , HE IS WEAK AND LONELY.' he says shouting at me. The rage on his face showing.

'What do you want me to call you then, who are you?' I ask
I felt like I was intrudong his personal space but I had to know , I'm his doctor and I needed to try and help him.
'You want to know' he said shuffling closer to me 'get me out of this thing' he said trying to shake of his straight jacket.
'I can not do that at the moment, if your not going to co-operate I'm wasting my time and I'm not going to do that I will return later this week to see if you will.' I say getting up and opening the door making sure to lock it behind me.

I follow the long path back to the office past all the screaming inmates . I begin to get annoyed with myself as I didn't get the answers I wanted. DID is a very hard thing to get your head around . In namjoons head he could have anywhere from one altar to one hundred but I could never know if he dosent want to talk to me.

I get to the door and push it open. Then I hear small sobbs coming from hoseoks desk.i walk over and place my hand on his back.
'Are you okay' I whisper
'I'll be fine' he says , but I know he won't. I can tell , the usual smile on his face is gone.
'It's yoongi' he says between sobs.
'I ... saw .. him ..kissing ... another ..g-' before he could say another word I pulled him in for a hug. I wanted to give the sunshine his rays back and it broke me to see him so upset.

After half an hour or so he stopped crying and looked up at me.
'Thankyou' he says with his smile back.
'There it is thats the sunshine I know'. I say making him blush.
'What exactly happened' I ask
'It's a long story , basically last night I went to his apartment to suprise him and then I walked in and he was on the couch with some guy on top of him, so I turned around and ran home crying.' He says

'Maybe there could have been another reason' I say trying to make him see the other side of the story.

'I guess' he says
'Hey why don't we go out for some drinks later?' I ask
'Sure , what's your number' he asks

We decide to meet at the local club for a drink. Turns out he only lives a few blocks away from me.

Before I know it It was time to go home. I collect my files and make my way out of the building onto the bus. I plug in my headphones and play my playlist.

I felt bad for namjoon and tried to think of ways for him to tell me things . He has had a lot of doctors but none of them have ever helped him properly.I also felt bad for hoseok, I have had my heart broken many times before and seeing him so sad made me feel so bad. Hopefully our drink later can cheer him up.

Hello guys sorry for the slow updates I'm not doing my best at the moment. Anyways stay safe and WASH YOUR HANDS . Have a good day / night x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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