Chapter 1: 'Best-friends'

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I beamed as I stepped out of the van Mercedes had sent for me, thanking the driver. Today I was attending the official Formula One press release that would announce the new rookies of the year as well as their teams and teammates. 

I knew a little about my fellow rookies, those being; Alex Albon, Lando Norris, and George Russell. But we hadn't really talked before. I was really quite timid and shy, so I didn't have great luck with seeking out friends, seeing as I was stuck in the body of an introvert. I walked up the back stairs, trying to avoid the press, as Mercedes has advised. Then I entered the building and scanned my pass I made my way to a conference room labelled 'Mercedes'. Apparently we were to stay in the room until announced, watching the screen as our cue. I sat there, twiddling my thumbs, wondering why no one else was around. Then the door busted open, and I jumped in my seat. Then I got up and smiled, seeing as it was Toto Wolff, James Allison and my new teammate; Lewis Hamilton entering the room. I shook hands with them all and introduced myself, Lewis and I surprisingly hit it off. Once I get past the initial shock, I can be quite chatty with people I know better. 

Finally, Lewis and I settled down to watch the press release. Mercedes was to present after Red Bull and McLaren, with the other teams following suit. I was impressed to see Alex land Toro Rosso and Lando being signed to McLaren, but I knew they were insanely talented, so I wasn't that surprised. I was signalled to leave the conference room and make my way behind the curtain separating the press from the teams. Lando stepped back behind the curtain, his eyes widening when he saw me. "Oh, uh-Hi!" He said waving feebly, but with a warm smile on his face. I smiled back.

"Hey!" I said, returning the smile, before snapping to attention and straightening my posture when hearing the announcers. 

"As previously known, Lewis Hamilton was re-signed for Mercedes. But the team has also signed a new rookie for the season. And here she is, I give you the newest member to the Mercedes team; number 68, Leo Gerard!"

I made a move to step out, seeing Lando's mouth pop open at the mention of Mercedes signing a rookie. I grinned shyly, sweeping my long reddish-brown hair behind my shoulder, as I was confronted by the bright flashing lights of the press. I waved before stepping back behind the curtain, as the Williams team took up the new topic of discussion. 


(After the announcements, Leo is headed to a separate meeting concerning all the rookies.)

As I entered the room, I saw three heads snap up. My face went red when I saw three eager pairs of eyes on me too. Which of course belonged to Lando, George (who had been signed to Williams), and Alex. I ducked my head and took the empty seat next to Alex, as the speaker continued talking. 

"Now that you are all with us, Netflix and Formula One have decided to come together and create a series regarding all of you." He said gesturing at us with a sweeping hand. I cocked my head as he continued. "The goal is to have all the rookies spend more time together and go through various tasks and training sessions together. Formula One as a program has decided to bring the teams together more to display a higher sense of unity as an industry. And the first step in that process is to have all of you bond. So get used to seeing each other, because from now on you will be spending most of your free time as well as training time together. Consider yourselves all best-friends now!"

I raised my brows as he finished and looked towards my new 'best-friends'. I caught the eye of Alex, and we grinned at each other, nudging each other under the table before we burst out laughing. Gaining a confused look from both George and Lando. 

The speaker, noticing this, smiled and then said; "The first task you will all do together will take place tomorrow, you will be go-carting. I sent the agendas for the rest of the season to your managers, thank you." He said standing up and leaving the room. 

We watched as the door clicked shut behind him before we all busted out laughing. "Does he know that go-carting together will make us all hate each other?" George questioned with a bright grin on his face. I shook my head and looked over to Lando as he started to talk. 

"Okay best-friends, lets go get something to eat." Lando said as he stood up, grinning. 

"Okay then." Alex said, getting to his feet too. I followed suit and we walked out of the room. 

As we made our way down the hall, I noticed George drop back to where I was. I looked up at his tall figure and met his eyes before he started talking at a very rushed pace. "I don't think we ever really got a chance to talk back at F2. I'm George." He said extending his hand excitedly, which I shook while laughing lightly at his antics. "I also want to congratulate you for landing Mercedes, I mean that's insane!" He added with wide eyes. 

"Oh, thank you. And same to you for Williams!" I said, ducking my head and blushing. Lando and Alex seemed to be listening in and dropped back too. Lando fell into step beside me as we started to walk three abreast down the hallway. 

"Yeah, congrats on Mercedes! But it's too bad that you aren't going to be seeing podium, but don't worry I'm sure I'll see you in my rearview mirrors at some point. I may even wave at you when I'm getting sprayed with champagne." I mock gasped at Lando, and lightly punched his arm. 

"Lando! Are you already trash talking your new best-friend?" I said tutting at him.

He grinned back, "Maybe..."

I shook my head as we walked down the stairs to the large front doors. Alex held the door for us as we filed outside. Large puddles on the ground indicated it had rained recently, and the humidity in the air only cemented this notion. George squealed as we got to the bottom of the steps, seeing a large puddle. "I don't want to get my shoes wet!" He exclaimed. Alex and I shared a look and started to laugh as Lando proceeded to call George a baby. 

"Ugh fine George. I'll give you a piggy-back ride, but I expect a favor in return at some point." I said rolling my eyes, fine with getting my beat up Vans dirty.

George's eyes got wide. "Would you really? Oh thank you, thank you, thank youuu!" I laughed again and bent forward slightly, indicating to him that he could hop on. 

Lando watched this and playfully scoffed "Are you sure you can hold him? He's a pretty big fella." 

I narrowed my eyes at him and looked over, "Watch it buddy." Which earned a laugh from both George and Alex as Lando grinned wider.

Then I gasped as George abruptly launched himself at my back, making me stumble forward a bit. "Holy cow, you couldn't have warned me first Georgie?" I said as I adjusted my grip on his thighs. 

"Ah-sorry." George said as he circled his arms around my neck. I sighed and began to walk through the water with Lando and Alex by my side. George stayed on my back after I walked through the lake like puddle, and I decided to have some fun with him. I started to increase my pace, and started running as fast as I could with a mammoth on my back, swerving side to side. But this only caused George to yell in my ear and hold on tighter. I slowed down, and we were both laughing and gasping for air as Alex and Lando caught up with us. I dropped George and looked behind us only to see the man from Netflix we had talked to before holding a camera and grinning. Alex followed my gaze and started pointing, and we all broke into giggles again. This time turning back into the direction of the cafeteria. 

I think we really were becoming best friends.

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