Chapter 8: To Go Out

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(Clean Me Up- Thomas Headon)
(Time of a Drive- Beau Bonin)
(Chit Chat- Beach Weather)
(What A Shame- Leyla Blue)
(HEADY- Reaper)

Huh??! An update? Mhmm, I have gotten enough messages that I feel guilty enough to continue, mwah, mwah. Also this story was added to a couple of reading lists with titles like, "books I am waiting for to update" and that hurt more than it should have *crying*. Yes, yes, I have lost momentum and energy for this story (reading it back is hard omfg who was I half a year ago??). However... I do indeed see all of the engagement and messages (shhh, shhh I really am sorry for leaving you all hanging) SO HERE WE GO WOOOOHOOO!!!

Today was certainly not one to remember-- after getting shunted out of the race: you first go to the team garage (and hope they blame the other person more), then go off to attend to media duties (which are often frivolous, and nothing more than intrusive journalists trying to wriggle out some anger for another driver and team for drama). 

Once I had completed all of my "side-quests" as my social's manager Sophie would say, I could then leave. But then what would I do? Unfortunately, most of my friends also shared the same profession. Max and Lando, who had also not finished the race either, were still busy with interviews-- which left me to sit silently in the back of a company car for the ride back to the hotel. 

Maybe I would watch something, or order room service. I tilted my head in contemplation, as I used the key-card to get into the room, and decided that those were good enough for tonight. I got immediately sidetracked when I stepped in however, with seeing the sun starting to set outside the large windows. 

I tentatively padded onto the cool concrete of the balcony, after slipping off my shoes at the front door (mama didn't raise no uncultured slob). The metal chairs were much too cold, so I just sat on the ground and stared at the sunset like I was possessed.

In hindsight I should have anticipated what happened next, with me flinching as a couple on a balcony nearby seemed to notice and recognize me. I bit my lip and waved back, realizing now how odd I must have looked-- like an industry plant, or robot recharging. 

Before I could overthink too much, the door of the hotel room swung open abruptly. I yelped, and grabbed a tissue box that had found its way to the balcony, before hurling it at the figure busting into my room. 

A scream sounded from a startled Lando as it hit him in the face. "What was that for?" He had the audacity of asking loudly, looking down at the box before back up at me.

"What do you think it was for? How the fuck did you get into my room?" I matched his tone with. 

"A key." He said, dangling it in the air. 

"Oh my god, I'll tell you what Sherlock Holmes, you are unbelievable." I retorted, rolling my eyes as I stood and slid the patio door shut. "I meant, how did you get the key." 

He snorted as he flopped onto the bed, picking up the TV remote. "I stole the extra from your bag." He said, as if it was a normal thing to do. "Fuck, it's in Chinese." He whined, turning the TV off again.

I scoffed at him, "I just- I don't-" I tried reprimanding him with, before succumbing to how tired I was,and joining him on the bed. He whipped out his phone and started scrolling through Netflix, scooting closer to me so I could look as well. 

"You crashed out first, so you can pick!" He said with a devilish grin and playful glint in his eyes. 

"I'm not a big fan of you at the moment." I said with a fake smile before pushing his hand back. "And you can be boss lady today and pick what to watch." I added, seeing his brows lift as I turned to find the room service menu. 

Lando plucked it out of my hands to see for himself, before tossing it over his shoulder carelessly. "Let's just go out to eat, Carlos and I were talking about good restaurants earlier anyway." 

"Really?" I questioned, staring at him. "But you don't like going out." I prompted, putting the back of my hand to his forehead to see if this was a fever induced blurt.

He laughed, pushing my hand away gently. "Well you didn't like the menu here anyway, otherwise you would have already ordered something. So we should just go out." He ended, eyes big with apprehension. "Would you like to go out?" He asked in a lower voice, seeming like he wanted to add something else but cut himself off.

Realizing he wasn't going to add anything else, I confirmed; "I mean, of course!" I said with a laugh, getting up from the bed to change out of my Mercedes team kit. 

Lando was already changed, so he remained on the bed, on his phone (looking at restaurants I assumed). When I turned back again, finally in non-conspicuous clothing again (for my fashion people-- lets say I was wearing wide leg jeans and a hoodie lmao), I found Lando staring at me with a look I couldn't place in his eye, and a soft smile gracing his lips. 

"What? Are you ready to go?" I asked, smiling as I stuffed my phone in my bag and tilting my head towards the door. Lando bounded up from the bed, handing me his phone to put in my bag as he hugged me from behind.

"Thank youuu!" He dragged out in a sing-song voice, rocking us back and forth. I ruffled his hair and nodded in return before grabbing his hand to lead him out the door-- already envisioning the prospect of food.


FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF :D (ik its short, but I had to start somewhere)


And because I don't feel much for this story anymore (:/), I will include anything you all ask for so... go for it if you'd like!!

Also, drop your big three (astrology oriented) if you are into that sort of thing! It is Leo season, and also my birthday today soooo consider that my payment (jkjk). 

ONE LAST THING>>> Would anyone want to become mutuals on instagram?? I will drop my @ in the comments, if so :D

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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