The Tiny

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It was my 17th birthday and I was finally allowed to go out and buy my own tiny. I was so excited and as soon as my mother gave me the go ahead I grabbed my keys and headed for the pet store. I made sure not to speed but definitely stayed the highest speed I could and parked the closest I could to the store. When I walked in I could hear dogs barking and birds chirping. One of the store associates came up to me, smiling widely.
"How can we help you today?" They were perky, usually that would annoy me, but today I was too excited for it to.
"Yes! Where are your tinies at?? I really wanna buy one!" I was clutching my phone in my hands tightly and the associate nodded and took me to the back where they were. The cages were small and nearly filled. Most were playing, but a few were laying in the back, hiding. I walked up to the first cage and most of the tinies ran up to get my attention. Yelling excitedly and waving their arms. I smiled, looking at all of them. "What about.... that one?" I pointed at the one sleeping in the back, they had a black hoodie on and their hood was up. They were an unusual on however, instead of legs they had a deep purple snake tail wrapped around themself. It was something beautiful to see indeed. The associate gave an uncertain look.
"Are you sure about them? They have been sent back a few times and nobody likes them very much..." I nod.
"I'm sure, hes perfect!" They nod and go around to the employee only area and pick up the sleeping tiny carefully. I watch them come out and they hold the tiny out to me. I gently cup my hands under them and lift them up.
"You're so cute!" I squealed quietly, they were slowly waking up, looking around and freaking out at first. Backing away to my curls fingers.
"Hes terrified of humans ma'am, are you sure you want him?" I nodded again, smiling some.
"How much?"
"Usually 20, but since hes got such low demand I'll give him to ya for 10." They smile and I nod going to the counter to pay. They follow and ring him up, I paid and left with my new tiny pet. He was shaking and hugging himself tightly.
"Its alright Darling, I'm not gonna hurt you." I smile softly, getting in my car and set him in my chest pocket "Just rest now, we'll be home soon." I feel him shift a bit but nothing more. I sigh and head home. He sure did seem scared, but it was probably because others treated him badly.

(Smol Timeskip brought to you by the Tiny Naga Protection Association -Totally a real thing-)

After a twenty minute drive I arrived home with my new little naga. I believe that's what hes called at least. He hadnt woke yet so I slipped my fingers in my pocket and lifted him out slowly. He was awake and staring at me fearfully gripping my thumb out of fear. I gave a soft smile and rubbed his back lightly.
"Its alright Darling. You're home now, your permanent home." I kissed the top of his head lightly, making him hiss softly and try backing up more. I sighed softly and got out of the car. He curled his tail around my wrist for what I could only assume to be for stability.
"I think you'll like it here, I have a nice bed already set up and some clothes, although you'll only need the shirts" I giggled some going in the house, he was silent, looking around and breathing hard, maybe it was just all too much for him... I sighed and went up to my room before my mom saw me. I didnt want to scare him more without a true reason for it. Once I got in I locked the door and set him on my fluffiest pillow. He looked around, curling his tail around under himself and looked up at me.
"You hungry...?" He shook his head some, slowly running a hand over his scales, they were beautiful. At least 3 different shades of purple. I moved to sit on the bed in front of him slowly. He shifted back a bit but otherwise didnt react. "What's your name?" He looked at the sheets and mumbled something I couldnt hear. "Sorry.. I couldnt hear you darling."
He looked up "K-Kameron... but you can call me Kam... O-Or pet... or whatever you want to m-ma'am..." He quickly looked down, obviously there was some kind of training that he had that I'd have to help him get over.
"Kam is a lovely name. I'm Corey." He nodded some. "You can call me whatever youd like to though." I gently held my finger out for a handshake and he flinched. "Its alright Kam, just a handshake." I gave a soft smile, to which he slowly took my finger and shook. I felt this was the start to a beautiful friendship.

(Hey hey! Finally got you guys another one shot! I really like how this one is going so I may add a second part if you guys really want it!!)

One shots. Just A Bunch Of Random Stuff Honestly. Fandom And OC. Mainly G/T now.Where stories live. Discover now