Meanie date

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"I'm so excited" Wonwoo exclaimed. He had a date with Mingyu later that day, usually they would stay home and cuddle, but this time they're actually going out! Mingyu recently got a car so now he could drive him around.

"Wow I'm surprised that Mingyu can actually afford this" Seokmin said surprised. Mingyu may be hot and attractive, but the bitch is broke as fuck. "He said he's been saving up to take me on a date" the group awed, Mingyu wasn't the type to like fancy restaurants (unless someone else was paying), but he was willing to take Wonwoo out. True love uwu

~Later that day~

"Jisoo are you sure I look good?" Wonwoo asked looking at his outfit and then looked at the cat like boy. "You look amazing, Gyu is going to love it, plus it's a casual date, you're probably going to go to a decent restaurant, nowhere too fancy" Wonwoo sighed

 "You look amazing, Gyu is going to love it, plus it's a casual date, you're probably going to go to a decent restaurant, nowhere too fancy" Wonwoo sighed

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"Hm well Gyu will be here in ten minutes, Joshua if anything goes wrong, please kill me" his edgelord came back out as usual. "I would never kill anyone! I'm Jisoos Christ!" Joshua gasped, he is Jesus! Why would he kill someone?! I mean if it was Jihoo he probably wouldn't even hesitate.

"Jisoooooo! HE'S HERE!!!" Wonwoo cries as he started to freak out. "Woah woah woah! Calm down! I'll walk you out ok?" Wonwoo nodded and closely followed Joshua, he couldn't really see much since it was pretty late. Joshua opened the door for him and his jaw dropped.

It was the oldest and most ugly car he's ever seen. It was rusting one the outside and the inside was all dusty and seats were all ripped up. "Nice car" Wonwoo said sarcastically

"Shut up! My mom got me this!" Wonwoo snorted a bit. But he couldn't lie, Mingyu looked fine as fuck in his outfit

 But he couldn't lie, Mingyu looked fine as fuck in his outfit

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Mingyu started to drive. "First I'm going to take you to the finest of restaurant then I'm going to take you somewhere special!" Wonwoo was awwing at his boyfriend, he's so romantic he thought.....well that's what he thought until they got to their first stop

"Babe this is a McDonald's"

Mingyu smiled and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek. Wonwoo got out the sad car and walked into the McDonald's with his boyfriend. They ordered their food and sat down. "I thought you said you were taking me somewhere nice!"

"This is somewhere nice!" Mingyu said in offense. Sure he hates the nuggets here but he likes everything else. After the couple ate their food he went to go take Wonwoo somewhere special

"Gyu this is your house" Mingyu happily got out the car and helped Wonwoo out. "Yeah but I got Mario Party!" He said all excited. Wonwoo did like beating him in Mario Party, so why not?

Plus it was sweet of Mingyu to take him out. Even tho if it was at a McDonald's.

"I love you Gyu"

"I love you too"

The two ended their date with a soft kiss on the lips

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