Chapter 1 : The Boys

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Chapter 1


               “So there’s this new girl at school.” Keaton walked into the living room to find Wes and Drew sprawled on the couch, playing Call of Duty.

                “So what?” said Wes.

                “Is she hot?” asked Drew at the same time.

                 They didn’t even take their eyes off of the TV. Keaton sat down on the arm of the couch and thought back to this morning, when he first saw her.

                “Really, really hot,” he said finally. Drew paused the game and looked up with interest.

                “Aw, come on! Talk about it later, after I whoop your ass!” Wes complained.

        “Shut up – you were losing anyway,” said Drew. Wes sighed and settled down more comfortably on the couch, waiting for the minute and detailed breakdown of how hot this girl is.

              “So? What’s the deal? You gonna ask her out or can I jump in?” Drew looked like an excited puppy. You could almost imagine him with a tail wagging at a hundred miles an hour. Keaton thought hard about it before he even answered. He looked kind of torn.

             “You don’t even know her name, Drew, and you’re already set on asking her out,” Wes rolled his eyes and chuckled.

                “Fine. What’s her name, Keat?” Drew asked with a smirk.

                "Yale," answered Keaton. "Yale Castro."

           "Yale? Like...the university, Yale?" Keaton nodded. "I like it. Yale Chadwick. See, our last names even start with the same letter! It was meant to be!" Drew laughed.

              "But Keat has dibs," Wes pointed out. Drew's smile slipped off his face and the two turned to stare at Keaton.

                "I - I don't know," he stammered.

              "Aw, man. She must be really hot. You never get all nervous unless a girl's crazy hot!" Drew complained. "So what's the deal?"

          "I don't know, she just... seems too good to be true or something. She just looks..." he groaned. "And I talked to her and she’s not, like, an airhead. She’s not a slut either, you know. She didn't flirt with anybody, she was just real friendly to people. She’s like... my dream, bro," Keaton looked so amazed. It was silent for about five seconds before the two older boys erupted in loud guffaws. "What?! Stop laughing!"

              "Awweh, Keat! Hahaha!" Wes said, in between laughs. Drew was turning red and he looked like he might be dying on the couch. After a couple more seconds, the two calmed down. Drew sat up.

               "Aw, man. That was good," he said as he wiped away a tear.

               "What? I don't get it," Keaton complained, his eyebrows furrowed together.

               "Don't worry about it - it was just your face," Wes said with a big smile.

               "Whatever. Anyways, I'm meeting up with her in a bit to help her move," said Keaton.

               "Move what where?" Drew asked, clearly intrigued.

             "Well, she’s actually living alone. She’s been staying at The Hilton for two weeks. I told her I'd help her find a cheaper place and then – “

             "Wait, wait, wait,” Drew interrupted. "What do you mean, she’s living alone? She’s your age... Right?"

          “Yeah, she’s sixteen and she’s alone. She just moved from Canada; she drove all the way down by herself, too,” explained Keaton.

              “She DROVE down?” asked Drew incredulously.

              “Where are her parents?” Wes asked with a little concern.

           “Yeah, it took her like a week because she made stops along the way. Her family’s still in Canada. She said they weren’t too happy about her moving down here by herself but they couldn’t really do anything about it since, technically, she’s old enough to move out,” said Keaton.

              “Whoa, that sounds pretty legit. So, you’re supposed to meet up with her later?” Drew asked with interest. Keaton glanced at the clock on the wall.

           “Um, actually I should go now. I’m supposed to meet her at The Hilton in five minutes,” he clarified. He looked sheepish. “Uh and I kind of told her I’d bring you guys to, you know, help…” Drew jumped up excitedly. Wes, on the other hand, just looked bored.

            “What are you waiting for then? Let’s go, man. Wes, get up!” Drew grabbed the boy by the arm and dragged him out the door, with Keaton following close behind.



Hey guys! This is my first time posting on Wattpad so don't be too harsh! Haha anyways, I have the ending planned out for this already but everything in between is a blur. But don't worry, I'll figure it out soon :D I'll probably post Ch2 tomorrow so stick around!

Lotsa love,



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