Chapter 5 : Typical

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Chapter 5


            Yale woke up with a hangover. My head is pounding; she groaned and burrowed deeper under the covers. She started. She opened her left eye by a slit and saw darkness. Wait, she thought. That doesn’t make sense – she didn’t even drink. She realized what it was and jumped up with a scream.

                Drew was standing at her doorway with his bongos and a big smile on his face.

             “Drew! What the hell are you doing?!” she threw a pillow at him. Drew just laughed and easily dodged it while he kept on banging on his drums. Yale was so not in the mood for this. “Get out of my room!”

              “Aw, come on, sleepyhead! You’re the only one that isn’t up yet!” he stopped the banging and jumped up on her bed. He kept bouncing up and down and it was giving Yale an even bigger headache.

                “Well, great job – I’m up,” she said with a glare. “Now get out!” Drew just laughed and kept on bouncing. Yale tried to push him off the bed but he didn’t even budge. Instead, he dropped on top of her and squeezed the air out of her. Yale felt his wet tongue on her collarbone.

               She shrieked.

           “EW, GET OFF!” Yale pushed with all her strength and this time, it worked. Drew fell off her bed and rolled towards the door, laughing. As he got up, Yale got out of her bed and ran towards him, looking like a footballer ready to tackle. He bent his legs, ready to catch her. Instead, the door hit him square on his nose.

              “Ow! That hurt, Yale!” he complained while he banged his fist against the door.

              “Good – and stay out!”




                “They’re at it again,” Keith sighed as he sipped his coffee. “I think we’re gonna have to tell Drew to ease off…” Yelling can be heard from the kitchen, but it didn’t bother them. Not anymore anyways – they’ve gotten used to it during the past two weeks.

                “You know what? I agree, Dad. Drew’s being extremely annoying,” Keaton said as he walked into the kitchen. He grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl on the counter and sat opposite his parents at the breakfast table. He was already showered and dressed. After a couple of days of living with Yale, he learned that she was the perfect stereotype for a girl: it took her forever to get ready, but only because she spent at least an hour showering. That’s why he’s started getting up five minutes before her so he could shower first.

                  Wes, on the other hand, didn’t learn quite as fast. Or maybe he just didn’t care. He was usually racing with Yale to the bathroom every morning. This morning was no exception. Instead of taking advantage of Drew’s shenanigans and taking over the shower while Yale was locked up in her room, he came downstairs to eat.

                  “Aw, come on, guys. He’s just being friendly!” he defended his friend. His hair was a mess and he was wearing nothing but his boxers. He still looked half-asleep as he went over to the fridge.

                    “Wes, I think Drew’s past being friendly. How would you feel if you got woken up like that every morning?” Jocelyn said as she motioned to the commotion going on upstairs. “And I wish you’d put on some more clothes, honey. It’s not just our family anymore.” She chided her son half-heartedly.

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