Chapter 6 : Being The New Girl

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Chapter 6

                “Bye, children!” Wes said as Keaton and Yale got out of his truck. “Call me if you need to get picked up!”

                “Ok, bye Dad,” Yale replied with a laugh. Wes drove away after honking a couple of times.

                People looked at them. There was only five minutes left until class so the parking lot was full of students milling around. They all stared at the duo that was making their way to the front doors of the school.

                “Is it true Yale’s living with them?” one girl asked.

                “I don’t know but if she is, she is so lucky,” replied her friend.

                “What’s so great about her anyways?” another girl commented with an evil glint in her eyes.

                “I think maybe they’re related ‘cause like, why would you take someone in like that, right?”

                “I heard she got kicked out of her school in Canada because she was, like, the biggest slut and her parents got really mad. That’s why she moved here because no other school wanted to take her. Her parents don’t even want anything to do with her anymore,” whispered another. Oh, boy.

                Yale and Keaton were oblivious to these rumours.

                “Want to walk home today?” Keaton asked.

                “Yeah, sure – I need the exercise anyways,” Yale joked.

                “I know. I think I broke my back this morning when I gave you a piggyback ride,” Keaton said with an exaggerated wince. Yale laughed and playfully hit his arm.

                “Hey! I’m not that heavy!” she complained.

                They joked around while the rest of the school talked about the controversy around Yale. Was she really living with them? Are they related? Does she, like, hook up with them when their parents aren’t home? Did she actually get kicked out of all the schools in Canada? The students were all confused. Contrary to these rumours, they couldn’t help but notice that Yale was actually good at school. It wasn’t really a fair measure since school just started but Yale was doing exceptionally well in her classes. She was taking all AP as well. Despite these rumours, the guys couldn’t help but like her. She was easy to be around and she wasn’t stuck up – unlike most of the pretty girls at their school. And as much as the girls would hate to admit it, they were all jealous. She acted like such a guy sometimes that guys were always comfortable talking to her, like she was one of them. Of course, the boys wouldn’t ever be able to forget that she was of the opposite sex. I mean, look at her! She’s gorgeous!

                The whole parking lot grew quiet as somebody shouted, “Heads up, Stromberg!”

                A football was sailing over people’s heads and it was straight on its way to Yale’s face. Keaton looked away from Yale when he heard his name but he didn’t even make sense of the warning. The school watched as the ball made its decent. Girls were watching idly; some hoping it gave her a big ugly bruise in the face, others just hoped she got hurt but not too much. Guys exclaimed warnings but it was too late. Yale saw the ball and her mouth formed a perfect O. But her scream didn’t make it out.

                A guy flew in front of her and caught the ball in his arms. He landed on his side and rolled, looking very professional as he straightened himself. “Your reflexes are too slow, Stromberg,” the boy drawled, “and that’s why you’re not captain.”

                People cheered as he walked up to Yale. “Hey, gorgeous, gotta be more careful so you don’t hurt your pretty face.” Yale blushed.

                “Shut up, Eric,” she retorted.

                “Ah, but you’re blushing. That means I got something right,” he said with a wink.

                Ah. Eric Johnson: the embodiment of high school; the typical Mr. Popular. He’s captain of the football team and the soccer team. He’s the guy that all the junior boys want to be next year and the guy all the girls want their boyfriends to be. He’s not the smartest cookie in the box but he has enough brains to keep up a high enough GPA so he won’t be banned from athletics. Attention girls: He’s single. Weird, right? He seems so perfect on paper but he doesn’t even have a girl. So what’s wrong with him? Oh, absolutely nothing – except maybe the fact that all the girls would kill to have him.

                The bell rang, signaling five minutes left until class starts. The rest of the school hurried into the building while Keaton, Yale and Eric made small chit-chat. Eric and Keaton completely ignored each other but Eric kept on talking to Yale so Keaton kind of just stood there looking a little lost.

                “Anyway, thanks for the save, Eric. I owe you,” Yale said. “But come on, Kitty, we’re gonna be late.” Yale reached for Keaton’s hand and he couldn’t help but smile. It didn’t matter how great Johnson was, I’m still her Kitty, he thought to himself.

                “Yes, you do owe me. So here’s the deal: let me walk you to class and we’ll call it even,” he proposed as he snatched Yale’s hand away from Keaton’s. Yale laughed.

                “Well, Keaton and I have the same first block this morning so you’re going to have to walk him, too,” she pointed out.

                “Oh, no, no, I don’t walk guys to their classes – just beautiful ladies,” he said as he kissed her hand. Keaton wanted to throw up.

                “Well, that sucks ‘cause Yale and I are walking to class together. We should get going, right Yale?” Keaton grabbed Yale’s other hand and tried to tug her along. She wouldn’t budge – either because she was reluctant to go or Eric was holding on to her too tightly. Keaton was hoping the latter.

                “Yeah, we should really go,” Yale finally said. “You’re welcome to walk with us though, Eric,” she added, almost as an afterthought. Eric thought about it. This was going to make him late to class but he wasn’t about to let Keaton win this one.

                “Don’t mind if I do,” he said with a big smile. The three walked off towards the entrance, all joined by hands.

                People who were already in their classes were staring out the window and watching them. Classes were abuzz with new rumours.

                “She’s such a slut. See, look – and you doubted the fact that she got kicked out of school,” a girl said to her friend.

                “Well, like, I don’t know. Maybe –“

                “Don’t even try to defend her. Look at her, holding hands with two guys at the same time,” another girl cut in.

                “I heard that’s not the worst thing she’s done with two guys at the same time,” someone else piped up with a giggle.

                “Ew!” the class chorused.

                Yale was oblivious to this but it went on and on and on.      


Hey guys! Sorry this upload took forever and I know it's not that long /: Everything's just crazy with work and school so I barely have time to sit back and write. But I promise I'll try to at least upload once a week (:

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter even though it's a little short! New guy in there, what'd you think of him? 

Comment and vote if you liked it! :D


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