Chapter 22

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I've seen numerous beautiful things when I came in the city. Today is my seventh day in the city. Syntax and I lived in a condo. I thought I'll see his two cousins and his sister but I've never seen them until now.

I thought also we'll lived in a house together with his sister and his two cousins in a normal house not a fancy condo.

I asked Syntax about his cousins and his sister whereabouts but he eventually diverted to another topic which I can't have answers and feel so blue, I never came out. I'm afraid.

I'm afraid.

I'm watching the people pass by, different types of vehicles and tall buildings. It's kinda chaotic and crowded but it's nice to watch it when it's night time, lights filled up in the nice city.

I watched the wall clock it's almost sunset. I prepared a coffee for Syntax he ordered me.

Minutes pass by no sign of Syntax presence. He must be late or he had an urgent meeting. I stood up and went to the sliding window. The stars are now evident to see and starting to glow up even though it's not yet already dark.

I heard the door rings. I immediately went to the door. Suprisingly, I saw Kelani confused face. I smiled to her and hugged her tightly.


"I thought I'll never see you. I'm afraid going outside." Her face is still confused. Her reaction is like she don't know why I'm here and...something that bothered her.

"W-why? W-ait." she uttering like she was not expecting something.

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