Chapter 4

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The final weeks of summer passed way too quickly, even with Alexis and me meeting up every day to practice our new abilities. Haron had been right; our Sight had disappeared very quickly after we returned, and we had to concentrate to bring it back – and that was only when it was cooperating. Dad seemed to have forgotten about the book, or at least didn't think he need to mention it anymore. So Alexis and I kept quiet about it, too, and I hid it in my bedroom.

Before I knew it, school was starting, and we had to relegate our sessions to after school and weekends. The first day back, Alexis and I met up so we could take the bus over together.

"It'd be nice if she went to our school," she said in lieu of greeting, and she didn't have to specify who she meant.

"Yeah, but that'd be too simple, wouldn't it?" I replied.

"Entirely so."

We spent most of the ride in silence, no doubt each of us wondering what this year would be like and how we would manage to lead our double lives. When we arrived at Graysfield, Alexis and I parted ways so we could go to our respective homerooms. I gave her a supportive thumbs-up just before I rounded the corner in the lobby.

My homeroom wasn't far. Once there, I took my customary unremarkable seat in the middle of the row in the middle of the room. I was far from the first person there: the entire front row and half of the back had been filled. As soon as I sat down, Danika walked in. She spotted me immediately and rushed to take the seat to my right.

"Oh my gosh, we're in homeroom together!" she said as she tossed her satchel onto her desk.

"Looks like it," I replied with a smile. Despite how early it was, her excitement was effusive and contagious. "How was your break?"

It didn't take much more encouragement than that for her to start vividly recalling her trip to Spain, cruise through the Bahamas, and internship at a summer camp. I nodded along, amused and impressed at her ability to do so much in just under two months.

"You've gotta come over and see what I brought back from Spain," she said, nodding as though the matter were already resolved.

"Sure," I agreed. "Maybe I'll swing by this weekend. Oh!" I clapped enthusiastically. "I could stop by after our back-to-school shopping spree!" She laughed and agreed.

"So, what were you up to this summer?"

I shrugged. "Nothing, really. I helped Mom out at the hospital a few days a week."

"Hmm," Danika said, tapping her chin in concentration, "I can't imagine you in candy stripes."

I scoffed at the idea. "I wouldn't be caught dead in them. I also went to see my grandparents in Archer's Point."

"Ooh, did you go to Hannensberg?"

"Of course," I said, playfully rolling my eyes. "Actually, Mom took me there to show me where she and Dad first met. And that was really it for my vacation."

"Well, that, and helping Livingston move in."

"Oh. Right."

"Why didn't you tell me she was coming back? We could've thrown her, like, a huge surprise party!"

"We didn't even know until a few days before it happened."

"But I thought you guys were best friends."

A furrow formed between my eyebrows. "We were best friends." I shook my head. "We're still best friends."

Danika nodded slowly. "Of course. She probably just wanted to surprise you."

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