Chapter 10

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Alexis, Francesca, and I teleported to Kahero's silo bright and early the next day. He greeted Francesca as warmly as he had Alexis and me the day before and brought us into his and Norè's house for a warm breakfast. Unsurprisingly, neither of them listened to our refusals, instead taking turns heaping food onto our plates and setting them before us. Wenn and Aryen joined us shortly after and received much the same treatment before the pair left to get started on the day's work.

I cursed the blush that spread across my face as soon as Aryen sat beside me and tried to ignore Alexis's silent giggles from the other side of me. Instead, I shoveled food into my mouth and paid gross attention to what Wenn was telling us.

"So what's on the agenda today, fearless leader?" Francesca asked before taking a bite into her food.

"Dryri and his father are still at large," Wenn replied. "Of course, it stands to reason that a Warlock is holding the father captive – hence the ransom letter – but Dryri escaped yesterday unnoticed."

"So you want Dryri brought in?" Aryen asked.

Wenn nodded. "But more importantly, I want his father rescued. Preferably before the Warlocks realize that, with Sizin dead, Dryri is useless and there is no need to keep Edrud alive."

"Plus, we need information," Aryen said. "And with both the Witch and the Sincara gone, that only leaves the Warlocks. If we could capture one, we could interrogate them."

"So what do you want us to do?" Alexis asked.

Wenn sighed and set her fork down. "As much as it pains me to say it, we'll have to split up again. One squad will go after Dryri while another tries to find his father. They can't have taken him far if they were able to abduct him without notice. Aryen, one of us will accompany you and your squad while the rest of us help Uri's squad investigate the father's whereabouts and this Vendeth Alesom."

"If it's all the same to you," Francesca said, "I think Erica should be the one to tag along with Aryen's squad."

I nearly choked on my food while Alexis snickered. "I agree," she said around her laughter.

"Um, okay," Wenn said slowly. "Since she has the best control over her Actual, it would make sense to have her carry the team in case they run into unexpected trouble."

"Sure, that's what we were thinking," Francesca said. She hid her smirk behind her cup as she took a liberal sip from it.

"Is that all right with you, Erica?" Wenn asked from across the table.

I exchanged a quick, nervous glance with Aryen. "Y-yeah, it's f-fine," I stuttered.

"Then it's all settled. I'll send word to Subterra so that the squads can prepare to meet up with us." Wenn left the table. "Be right back."

No sooner had Wenn disappeared, Francesca stood up, too. "I'm done eating. I'm gonna see if Norè needs help outside," she said. She stacked her plate on top of Wenn's and cleaned up her area.

"Ooh, me too!" Alexis said, and she also hopped up from the table. "Take your time, Er." She patted me on the shoulder and followed Francesca outside.

"Um, okay," I replied belatedly. I returned my attention to my breakfast, committed to ignoring the fact that Aryen and I were alone again. Of course, the task was made that much harder when he decided to speak.

"What was that all about?" he asked softly.

I shrugged. "We have weird friends." I ate another forkful, although I wondered in the back of my mind how my twisting stomach would feel about it. As I swallowed, I felt his gaze lingering on me. I looked over to him and saw him regarding me with his head slightly tilted and a small smile. "What?" I asked, suddenly self-conscious.

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