Chapter 7

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Aryen was serious about Francesca, Alexis, and me learning basic self-defense. After our trip to the arcade and during one of our check-ins with Essie and Francesca, the two rebels arranged for the five of us to meet up after school to train. The rest of us found a suitable location – a park midway between our locations.

They didn't hold back, having us practice some supposedly basic moves until they were satisfied. They began with three defense stances, one for hand-to-hand combat, another to block incoming projectiles, and the last to withstand head-on magic attacks. We practiced the stances until they were to our protectors-turned-trainers' liking, and then practiced them for real as Essie launched volleys of random attacks at us. There was almost no time between attacks, so the stances quickly became second nature. Well, more like third: it wasn't uncommon for one of us – usually Alexis or myself – to be caught off-guard and have to take a kick to the thigh or telekinetic strike to the chest.

After the third afternoon of relentless drills, Aryen let us take a break. Immediately, Alexis and I collapsed to the ground and sprawled out to catch our breaths. Meanwhile, Francesca hovered over us, grinning down. "How are you not sore?" Alexis grumbled up at her.

She shrugged. "Don't know. This kinda stuff is exhilarating, you know?"

"No," Alexis and I said together.

Nevertheless, the all three of us progressed with practice, eventually moving on to light sparring with Aryen and Essie – in other words, they attacked us and we had to block or thwart them to make the moves they taught us reflex. It was terrifying until I successfully deflected one of Essie's blows without thinking; after that, I understood what Francesca meant a little better.


Later that week, Aryen pulled Alexis and me out of class around fourth period to let us know that Wenn had called for him.

"Wenn must have the ritual ready," he said gravely. "She will meet up with us this afternoon to perform it, along with Francesca and Essie."

We both nodded our understanding before returning to class. I couldn't focus on anything but finding out who had stolen the Book. I batted away Danika's and everyone else's attempts to make plans with me after school, determined to meet up with the others and get home as soon as possible. The hours crawled by, and it wasn't soon enough that I was joining Aryen and Alexis on the front steps of the school.

"Shall we?" Alexis said, and off we went back to my place.

"How's Wenn getting here?" I asked once we made it to my front porch.

"She'll be teleporting to my location," Aryen said, as if that were the most normal thing in the world. Sometimes I forgot how crazy all this sorcery stuff could sound. I imagined a random passer-by overhearing us and laughed quietly to myself.

We were barely inside when, lo and behold, a column of white light struck the foyer. It faded to reveal Wenn, who was hoisting a cloth bag over her shoulder. She looked around in wonder before settling her gaze on us.

"Erica!" she said. "Alexis! It's been far too long." She rushed over to give us each a hug. When she let go, she inspected us both, head to toe. "Good to see you're still in one piece. I trust Aryen's been doing a good job keeping you out of harm's way, then."

"Milady," Aryen said by way of greeting. He thumped his fist to his chest and bowed to her.

"At ease," she said. When he stood up again, she hugged him, too. "It's been too long," she said warmly.

I winced a little at the sight, and my stomach flipped, but otherwise I said nothing. I glanced at Alexis, who was laughing silently at me and giving me a knowing look.

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