Chapter 11

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We kept the window open a slit so we could watch the rows of crops turn into low-cut grass and packed dirt roads into loose gravel as we approached the border. Despite how close we all were already, everyone tensed when a pair of spires passed by in the distance. I leaned closer by a fraction and saw the behemoth of a castle, exactly like out of a fairy tale, only brighter, more pristine. The sunlight was hitting it at just the right angle to glint off the windows high in the tower, and I imagined the glorious sunbathed rooms on the other side. The castle was elevated on a hill, so I could see some of the wings and halls connected to each other, the other smaller roofs surrounding the castle, the high stone perimeter fencing it all in. Despite the palace's heaviness, it felt empty. There was nothing particularly personal about it, and I couldn't even see anyone entering or leaving the gates of the perimeter. The notion was in stark contrast to the ephemeral memories of an entire court, of full conversation. Did Li live alone in that big empty place?

Eventually Aryen turned the carriage and the castle slipped from sight. Instead, we could see the neat and seemingly unending rows of coppery roofs, which glittered in the afternoon sun.

"Genrerra, City of the Crown," Polorla said in a reverent sigh next to me.

Tach nodded and folded his arms (in itself a feat since he was jammed between Vic and Krom, at their insistence, I was sure). "Home at last," he said sarcastically, and Vic chuckled at that.

The carriage came to an abrupt halt, and I had to hold on to the bench underneath me to keep from lurching forward. Aleancer, who was on the other side of me, slid the partition open.

"Checkpoint ahead," Aryen muttered into the gap just loudly enough for us all to hear. "We'll have to go the rest of the way on foot."

Aleancer nodded and closed the little window again. I felt oddly more relieved at getting out of the cramped quarters and being able to walk the rest of the way. Somehow I figured we'd be less conspicuous. So when Aryen parked the carriage in a lot on the city limits, I hopped out of the back with just a bit more pep than I had when we started this trek. Aryen noticed it and smirked at me before facing the rest of the squaddies assembled all around him. Over his shoulder stood a wide gate attached to a stone wall that outlined the Genrerra border. Underneath the arch of the gate were a few officers, though instead of the maroon colors of the Guard that Francesca and Tach described, they wore midnight blue uniforms.

"We're going to have to travel light to get past Customs," Aryen told us. "That means any weapons you can't sneak in you'll have to leave in the carriage." He held the door open and gestured into it.

The others began stripping off knives, rods, crossbows, and the like and tossing them into the carriage. I quirked an eyebrow at the display, wondering how underdressed I was for this mission. Then again, none of the others could summon projectiles out of the ground, even the mage Polorla, so I guess we were even.

"You think I can sneak this by Customs?" Polorla said, holding up a length of rope to Petra. The blonde nodded, making Polorla grin and reattach the rope to her belt beneath her cloak. "Never know when you're going to need rope," she said matter-of-factly.

When they were ready, the squaddies rejoined Aryen and me. "We're splitting off into the usual groups," Aryen said. "That way we won't raise suspicion going in together. If at any point we get separated, I want Tach and Polorla to lock onto my location and meet up with me. If I'm compromised or my location is too hot, then get out of the city and head to our rendezvous point. Understood?"

The group replied all at once and set about dividing themselves up into their predetermined subgroups. That landed Polorla, Petra, and Aleancer on one team and Krom, Vic, and Tach on another. That meant Caesseth was tagging along with Aryen and me. Tach led his team to the line for Customs. Petra waited a few moments before heading over as well with her teammates in tow. By the time Aryen brought Caesseth and me over, Tach and the others were already through and Petra's team was being searched. Petra and Aleancer made it through with no problems, but for some reason Polorla was being held up by one of the blue-robed Customs officers. I watched warily as a man in bright silk clothes whispered something to the officer. The officer looked back to Polorla and said something to her, to which she gesticulated wildly in response.

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