Chapter 8: "Dissonance Unleashed"

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The man was stuck in an unknown place and he saw too many memories that are linked to versions of him on countless universes...

A parallel universe perhaps? Not only that, there are versions of him that are totally way out of line in his current Self or Being. Not linked at all and it would be hard to believe that it was actually him or rather a version of him...

Slowly he felt himself elevating and out of all the blurred images of many memories unleashed all at once comes the lack of clarity that goes with the chaos that he is in.. 

He found himself on his way closer and closer to the dark blue ocean skies..

Sounds of creatures were loud and deep, up above those damned skies... 

What am I hearing?

The mysterious sounds of the deep coming from up above?

What is happening?

I hear my voice but my mouth does not utter the words, only my mind does..

I am about to enter the massive ocean from above... How is this possible? What stood as skies in this forsaken world is an ocean of the most darkest shade of blue... And the sounds... They are deep and they are sending some kind of unseen waves that I feel as it shakes my own lungs as I breathe the scentless air...

No... I do not want to enter it... No... I try to make a move to somehow pull me back to where I once was but alas as I looked back.. All I see is darkness, one that does not resemble nothingness but rather one that resembles a massive Being that lives and moves but somehow by its enormous size I am nothing but smaller than dust compared to it and all that I can comprehend is that... It. Lives. 

And if I ever had the ability to go back to it and prevent myself from actually reaching the cursed ocean skies, I would rather die drowning than go to that Living Darkness...

And here I am now.. Facing forward.. Embracing my fate.. I kept my eyes open as I am about to reach those skies...

Every hair I had on my body was tensed as if I was about to be electrified to death... In fact I seem to feel something coming...

In that instant I saw purple flashes of lightning loud and powerful... Highlighting the shadowy figures from above.. Figures that are massive and I cannot quite understand what creatures they were...

All I felt was fear as I am about to enter the dark ocean skies... Those creatures swimming around, floating around circling... They are all giants and they are many.. I am sure that no human will ever be prepared to witness any of them and their true forms or their actual forms..

Perhaps it is a kindness that all I get to see as of now are figures, titan silhouettes circling above.. And this kindness is about to run dry any second now... It is about to end as I enter those ocean skies... I am afraid... I do not want to see those creatures... Seeing them would be the end of the remnants of my sanity... I don't want to see them... No... Please... I do not want to die like this.... 

Little by little the man began to realize that he does not have a way out and whatever lies beyond those skies, he will witness and perhaps it would be the end of him and as always as he knows deep inside: No one will help him in this world of horrors 

All he ever had was his mind.. All he ever had to talk to was his mind..

I do not know anymore.. I just closed my eyes hoping that this will all end.. I do not want to suffer anymore because I have suffered long enough..

If only before I die will I ever have a chance to see her once more..

In this hellish place of nightmares, the only hope and light within my mind is her... The woman in the garden... And it is quite weird that I cannot remember her name... I just want to relive the moments I had with her..

In that moment... visions filled his mind...

The chains seems to pull reality closer as he begins to see what happened..

The last victim who died in the crime scene was his wife.

But the problem is... His wife was not the woman with hazel eyes...

And what struck some of the officers in the case was that as the days and nights passed and turned into a month he became obsessed with going back to the time when he met the woman in the garden.. Normally one would assume that he meant his wife... But no and this is what disturbs the closest of his friends.. He describes his wife as the woman he met in the garden, the woman with hazel eyes and curly hair. All of which does not describe his wife at all.

So who or what exactly is the woman in the garden? 

Then as he started to lose his mind bit by bit.. He was given an opportunity to take a break and seek some help but he refused and to make matters more grim, he decided to disappear and go on hunting those responsible for the crime scenes...

Investigating tirelessly day and night, draining himself and his sanity to solve an unsolved string of crimes that involved his wife...

Hopelessly investigating the crime scenes that were not made by the hands of a human being..

It was something else...

As the man opened his eyes...

Every breath he had within his lungs got snatched out of him the moment he entered the ocean skies... Unable to breathe and suffering for it but then again life remains within him despite the death that usually becomes highly possible with the circumstances that he is under.. 

And now what lies before his own eyes....

The darkest shade of blue riddled with mysterious beings and what he felt was helplessness, the most genuine type that would make death a kinder and merciful way out and the most terrifying of all was that he saw..

Gigantic wings with crooked scales that looked like mountains slowly beating against the waters of the ocean skies...

He closed his eyes... Terrified to the highest... 

He opens them again.. and hears countless growls from all sides...


I am cursed.. I am struggling for breath yet fear itself as it strikes becomes more powerful that it makes me forget my struggles...

Fear is all I know in this moment that I am in...

Imprisoned in the dark ocean skies... Imprisoned in this endless world of darkness..

I am cursed... I am cursed...


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