Chapter 10: "Crimson Eden"

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There was once this woman who lost her significant other in the war...

He died bravely as a soldier but even more darker he died young, they were suppose to be married once he returns from the war...

But as fate would have it.. This was never meant to be a part of her reality...

In her darkest sadness.. She nearly went insane..

She isolated herself..

She removed every connection she has to her family and friends..

One day in her sleep, she had lots of dreams piled up in the chambers of her mind, as if her inner gift revealed itself and connected her from worlds beyond our own... Within her countless dreams she slowly had a glimpse of her childhood...

As a child she would often dream of a boy similar to her age and they would run together in the crimson garden..

In a shock of the moment upon recall, she immediately had visions of the time back then while it reflects the time that she had now..

The kid in her dreams... She could not remember the name but she could remember his face.

It was similar to her husband but quite different..

In that moment she wondered if it was possible to see that kid in her dreams again, will he have the same age as her and will he turn out to be her husband who is now gone?

Alas with the unknown potential of the powers within her mind she opened another door to another reality and in this reality she saw:

Her husband was still alive and he was young and still studying in College back to the time when the war has not yet devastated everything she knew..

She closed her eyes to hold back tears and she whispered to herself:

"If I could be given a chance to enter the dreamworld of this reality.. Then so be it.."

She opened her eyes and her heart glowed bright revealing her inner desire so true and pure because she wanted to see her husband once more, to feel his presence near her once more and by the powers that she never realized she had.. She opened the doors to countless realities, disturbing the chains that hold them apart and cracking the walls that separate one reality from another..

She made her way into the dreamworld within the reality that she chose..

She saw her husband but slightly different... Alas.. She saw herself..

She knew she saw herself but perhaps another version of her.. With a different eye color and hair type but she saw herself... But the thing is.. This version of herself was murdered at the hands of a creature of unknown origins and somehow she feels that her choice to open another door to this reality had its consequences..

 The Outer Beings do not allow but somehow there was something special in her that with her strength and heart that lay the core power of her mind... She did what no human ever could..

She entered the dreamworld that is linked to a chain of another reality just to see her husband once more...

This action disturbed the flow of time... She entered the mind of her husband from another reality.

There came her happiest moments.. The sun shining bright upon the crimson gardens.

Its just her and her husband..

But her husband did not know her yet but nevertheless he felt love as if something so strong had linked him to this woman who was suppose to be his wife..

He asked her where he is..

And with tears in her eyes she answered: "Somewhere where only you and me know about.. Somewhere that we can call Home"

The husband cannot explain it yet but he knew somehow that despite everything not making sense he knew that he was hearing the truth..

She took his hand and he immediately held her in his arms "Nothing makes sense.. anymore.."

He whispered and at that moment he recalled his childhood...

He knows this woman, he met her way back then as a child and at that time she was also a child and only in his dreams did they had a chance to meet.. 

He felt joy of the greatest kind as if he did not want to wake up anymore and just stay in his dream forever if possible..

"I-I- know you.. I saw you in my dreams when I was young and you were also young way back then.. I.. What happened? I cannot recall anything.. It was as if all these years I cannot recall you but I was very sure that I continued seeing you in my dreams but I cannot completely recall.. My dreams were just a vision of you playing all over again.. We were running in the garden.. This garden and.. I don't know anymore.. Nothing makes sense.." he held back his tears.. "I am living my life all alone and I know you're not real but.."

She had tears streaming down her face "There are lots of things you do not know about but now I am here and in this moment perhaps we can make it our Reality even if its only in a dream.."

He hugged her tight.. 

Then he whispered.. "Maybe this is as close to Heaven as I can get... back in my reality.. The world is starting to get chaotic.. Wars broke out everywhere.. Lives are lost.."

She cried hard "Please promise me... Never become a soldier please.... Please... Do not enter the war"

"But I am about to.. Its the only choice I got and its my calling.. I can't just stay at home, do nothing as the world sets itself on fire.." he hugged her tight "But please know that its a heavenly reality that you give me... I am willing to live it even if its only in my dreams.. I want to know you more.. I want to recall you as I wake up and return to my world.. I want you to stay even if its just within my mind.."

 At that moment she never had the words but she hugged him tight and hope to God that whatever happens..

She hopes he would not join the war...

Everything became bright and almost far too divine to be a part of what is real and what is not...

This was the woman in hazel eyes....

As it turns out she was actually real..

And so is he..

For that moment... They were together..

They felt alone in their respective realities but in that moment.. 

They were Happy and Unalone...

The pieces of the puzzle are now in place...

End of Chapter 10

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