Chapter Four

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It was getting dark and we went to the park, we sat on the grey rusting swings. Percy smiled and played with ta stick in the mulch, "When I was little me and my family would come down here." He said looking at the stars. I felt like I was about to cry, "Do how did your parents die if you don't mind me asking." I asked quietly as I grabbed my sleeves. "Ah it's ok, I actually hated my parents because they abused me and my brother, they died from a car accident from drinking to much.." He said looking at me fake smiling. "I could tell you loved them.." I whispered. "Eh?" He said glaring at me. "The way you smile, I can tell you really miss them but you don't want to admit it.." I said quietly. He then got off the swing and sat on my lap, he was facing me and I blushed. "G-Get off, someone will see.." I said turning away blushing like mad.

He smiled pressed his lips against my ear, "You have keen sences, Ash Dickson. Use them wisely.." He whispered into my ear. He then put his right hand on my cheek forcing me to look at him, I closed my eyes tightly, "Please, look at me.." He said quietly. I barely even knew the guy but I did it anyway, he smiled and kissed my forehead gently. I couldn't stop blushing, my heart was pounding like crazy as he got off of me. I was frozen and couldn't process everything at once, he smiled and hugged me gently, "Don't tell anyne I did that, k?" He said smiling as he hugged me, I ran all the way home trying to process what just happened. 'I barely even know the guy, I mean we're good friends, but what the hell was he thinking?' I kept saying in my mind. When I got home my dad was smiling and making dinner, "Hi, sweetie. How are you?" He asked smiling. I shrugged and sat down at the table, my dad had blond hair and hazel eyes and was tall. He was wearing a white shirt with a black skull in the middle and blue jeans.

"Just in time." Said my other father coming down the stairs. My dad ran up to him and kissed his cheek, my dad had a baby and my mother died when I was a baby then he met my other dad so yeah, you get the point hopefully. He had dirty blond hair with silver eyes and was alittle taller than my dad, he was wearing a bisnues suit because he just got home from work. "So son, how was your first day at school?" Asked my dad in the suit. I shrugged and ate my soup, "Any cute girls this year?" My other dad said putting his hands together and smiling goofily. "No, but there is this one gu-" I covered my mouth. My dads stared at each other in shock, "How lovely! Is he cute!" My dad said, he got real excited and his eyes started to glow. I nodded and blushed, I couldn't tell him what happened at the park..

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