Chapter Three - Gerard Way And Coffee

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Warnings: Mentions of domestic abuse and rape

I wake up earlier than I normally would. Ugh, I guess I best get up. I climb out of my cocoon of warmth and shiver as I put my feet on the wood floor.

I walk into my bathroom and switch on the shower and quickly chuck off my pajamas then step under the spray of warm water. I close my eyes and think of Frank then a smile crosses my lips.

It was only just a week ago I was telling myself that I didn't have a crush on the dark haired man. Now it's been over a week and I can't deny it. Every time I see him my heart beats against my ribcage, butterflies swarm my stomach and every single time he touches me it sends a slight warmth and tingle through my veins.

Once I have finished in the shower I walk into my bedroom and over to my closet. I pull open the doors and look at everything I have which is mainly band t-shirts and skinny jeans. I pull out a Ramones t-shirt, a pair of skinny jeans and my boots then put them onto my bed then go into my dresser to get out some black lace underwear. I get dressed and check my phone to see a message from Frank.

Frnkiexo: Good morning Princess. I will be leaving soon to come and pick you up but we have to also pick Gerard up because he is being lazy. Anyway see you soon Princess xo

I look at the time and realize I have twenty minutes to finish getting ready so I grab my makeup bag and giggle as I get an idea. I get out my red lips gloss and eyeshadow then carefully. Also quickly apply my makeup creating the look from My Chemical Romance's revenge era then I walk into the living room and pick up my bag and jacket then walk to my front door to grab my keys. Five minutes later I hear a knock on the door and smile.

"Hey Frankie." I say putting on my jacket then close my door and locking it as you can never be too careful in New Jersey.

"Hey are you ready to go?" He asks holding out his hand.

"Always. So Gerard wants us to pick him up?" I ask as I take Frank's hand.

"Yes. He is being lazy." Frank says with a chuckle and I giggle.

We walk out of the apartment complex and like the night before Frank opens the door for me. I tiptoe and press my lips to his cheek then get into the car. Frank runs around to the other side and gets in then starts the engine then he pulls out of the parking space and turns on the radio.

"So what are you going to tell Gerard about how we met?" I ask while biting on my finger. It's a nervous habit I've had since I was in high school.

"The truth since I'm sure he will find it just as amusing as Evan did when I told him." Frank says with a grin on his face. I nod and look out of the window.

After twenty minutes we pull up outside a cute little house then I see the front door open and Gerard walks out and gets into the car.

"Hey guys." Gerard greets cheerily closing the door.

"Hey Gee." Frank answers as we drive down the road.

"Hi Gerard. How are you this beautiful morning?" I ask, making him chuckle.

"I'm absolutely fabulous thank you Becky. How are you?" He asks adding sass and I giggle.

"I'm okay Gerard." I answer and he smiles.

"You can call me Gee. Frankie does and so does my brother Mikey and our friend Ray." Gerard says.

"Thank you Gee." I say and he nods.

We pull up to the place I work and give Frank a 'are you serious' look and he smirks. The three of us walk into the coffee shop and I see Cindy on the tills while Grace Cindy's daughter is waiting the tables.

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