Chapter Eight - I Promise, I'm Not Okay

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Warnings: Mentions of cancer and death.

As I wake up I look at my phone and feel my heart drop into my stomach because today three years ago that I lost my mother to cancer and today is her death anniversary. I groggily climb out of the bed then walk downstairs hoping that Frank doesn't question why I'm so miserable.

"Morning beautiful. Wait what's wrong?" He asks stopping whatever he is doing and comes to my side.

"I-It's nothing Frankie." I say but my voice cracks. He takes me into his arms and kisses the top of my head while raking his tattooed fingers through my hair.

"Okay beautiful. I know you most likely don't want to talk about it so I won't push you." He whispers. I feel my heartbeat pick up at how sweet Frank is being with me right now.

"N-No you deserve to know. It's erm... it's the death anniversary of my mother. It's been three years." I say as tears start to fall down my cheeks.

"Oh Princess. Would you like to stay in today and watch sappy movies with ice-cream?" He asks as he wipes the tears from my cheeks.

"We don't need to Frank. I need to get some roses and take them to her grave like I do every year. My other family members don't bother." I say laying my head on his chest again.

"Okay baby. Well, let's have a coffee and pancakes then we will go to a cute flower shop I know of. Ray's wife Christa recommended it to me when I was planning the whole forgiveness stuff." He says as a blush spreads across his cheeks.

"Yes that would be perfect." I say looking down at the last picture I have of my mother before she died.

"Is that her? Wow, I can see where you get your heart and beauty from." Frank says. I look up at him and sigh. He puts a cup of coffee in front of me then the plate of pancakes. I don't really want to eat right now but Frank has put effort into it so I guess I best.

"If you don't mind me asking how did your mother die?" He asks. I look up and try to think of the words to explain it.

"Well, it was three years ago and she had a rare brain tumor. It started behind her eye and over eight months it kept growing and moving until it hit the top of her spine and she died. I wasn't there because I didn't make it in time. I still hate myself for it and I hate myself for not being there by her side when she died. I'm a fucking terrible daughter." I say then break down in tears. Frank instantly gets up and runs to my side then pulls me into his arms.

"Hey you aren't a terrible daughter. At least you go to her grave unlike the rest of your family. She would be so proud of what you have become Princess." He says as I cry against his chest making his t-shirt wet with my tears.

Once the tears slow down I move back a little then Frank wipes my eyes and kisses both of my cheeks then presses a longer kiss onto my lips. When he pulls away I smile slightly then drink my now lukewarm coffee.

"After we finish this we can go see Gee and the guys before getting flowers." Frank says. He sits next to me then leans over the breakfast bar to get his coffee spilling a little bit and curses under his breath making me giggle.

Once we finish our breakfast I go back upstairs so I can have a shower and get dressed. I need a hug from Gerard because apart from Frank he gives really comforting hugs.

I walk into the bathroom then look in the mirror and sigh.

"If you look in the mirror and don't like what you see. You can find out first hand what it's like to be me."

That part of The End really speaks to me. I turn away and forget about having a shower then walk back into Frank's bedroom.

I walk over to his closet and go through his many band t-shirts until I come across his red tank top with 'Homophobia Is Gay' written on it making me giggle. I decide to get out one of his Misfits t-shirts and get my skinny jeans from a bag I packed.

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