Chapter 3

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<3rd POV / Autobot base>
(just before Jack left)

"Optimus, I saw it with my own optics." Arcee cried. "Three humans got into Knockout."

Ratchet scoffed. "Highly unlikely."

"Like the cons would willing work with humans," Bulkhead laughed.

Arcee turned back to the Prime. "Please Optimus," she pleaded. "If those kids are working with the cons, Jack could be in more danger just by going to school."

Optimus stared at the computer screen, deep in thought. "These students have been going to school with Jack, Miko, and Rafael for years." He spoke. "They have not done any harm to the  children yet, so it stands to reason they will not in the future."

//Raf has mentioned Dylan before// Bumblebee chirped. //They're in the same class together//

"And Miko mentioned a 'Sam' once." Bulkhead reluctantly admitted. "She said she wanted to invite him to a dance."

Ratchet rolled his eyes, and the trio of human allies came running out of the tunnels deeper in the base laughing.

"Hey, Arcee!" Jack called. "Are you ready to go? I'm supposed to be meeting someone to work on a school group project."

Arcee nodded and Optimus laid a servo briefly on her shoulder. "While no harm has been done yet, remain vigilant."

"Of course."


<Dylan's POV>
(present time)

The project was easy.

The project was fun.

The project was NOT quick.

Not at all.

Jack, bless his poor soul, was confused before we even started and I had to explain each step to him. Not that it wasn't hard! He caught on quick once I started demonstrating, and I figured he was a visual learner.

One of the many things I found we had in common. Starting with our likes and dislikes.

~Flashback starts~

"So," I started, my chin resting on the palm of my hand. "What object you topic do you want to make a class on?"

Jack's eyes brightened. "We could do it on cars or vehicles?"

My lips twitched into a smirk. "That's just what I was thinking." I pulled a sheet of paper out of my bag so we could jot down ideas and an outline of the code. "So first we need variables."

~Flashback ends~

Three hours, and two bags of popcorn, later we finally finished. We Jack uploaded the completed project for the both of us and I packed my bag back up.

"Thanks for being willing to work with me." Jack said quietly and I chuckled.

"No problem, Beanstalk." He looked perplexed at my nickname for him. "I enjoyed it."

"Jack, don't let her leave without inviting her to dinner!" I watching bemused as Jackson sputtered at his mom's proclamation.

"I- uh. I won't, Mom!" He looked at me, his cheeks dusted with a pale pink. "Do you.... want to stay for dinner?"

My smirk widened. "Jackson Darby, are asking me on a date?"

Red bloomed on his face and he desperately scrambled for an excuse.

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