--The Slip--

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A/n: Sorry if this chapters is like really bad. Thanks ee__xxx for helping me out a bit!!! 

Peter wished he could just disappear and that his existence on earth would just be no more, just so he wouldn't have to face the embarrassment of the outcomes of the field trip. Peter couldn't start to imagine how he will be able to hide the fact about his field trip from the avengers when there were two assassins, Pepper who probably organized the trip and Mr. Stark who seems to know just about everything.

After Peter bid his farewells to both Ned and MJ he leaned against one of the walls in front of Midtown. Peter sighed as he took out his phone and sent a text in a group chat.


Peter: Halo Guys

Harley: HELLO

Cassie: ello there! Uwu

Lila: Why BRITISH!! And Peter are u almost home

from school yet?

Harley:Its very rude you know to go to school when we are all visiting for two weeks. Very. very rude.

Shuri: ^

Cooper: Haha

Wanda: hi

Peter: Soo lets say there is something that might end up in embarrassing me would you tell like everyone else at the tower or be a good friend and help me? Cause Peter luck has struck once again.

Cassie: Oh no what is it this time lol uwu

Harley: wym Peter Luck or am I just dumb?

Harley: Darn it I shouldn't have said that oops

Cassie: Harley You are dumb uwu

Harly: why thank you Cassie for that statement as it is totally not decreasing my self-esteem

Cassie: Ofc anytime uwu

Lila: Why. Why are we like this?

Shuri; Cause we are a bunch of crackheads lol
Lila: Valid

Cooper: oof what happened?

Peter: I have a field trip

Harley: ? Why is that bad?

Lila: OH NO!!!!!! That's bad *not being sarcastic*

Cassie: Harley remember Peter has HORRIBLE LUCK on field trips

Harley: Oh right lol

Peter: ye and whats worst is it is to Stark Industries

Shuri: Ha ha thats really funny!!

Cooper: Lol only you

Lila: Sorry Peter that's just really funny out of all places, Here?!

Peter: please guys please don't tell the rest of the Avengers

Shuri: And why would we not tell them? Its the perfect chance to embarrass you Pete

Peter: um cause u guys are my friends and its not like they aren't going to find out at all-knowing them. I just don't want them to find out by getting told by the snitches I call my friends

Wanda: FINE I at least won't tell

Peter: THANK YOU, Wanda, at least SOMEONE doesn't want me to face death even earlier then my already expected death

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