Chapter 7: Oh SHIT

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Emily? Yeah it's me. I I I. Thought I was dead yeah well um I'm not. I heard about the shooting and I figured I would come see if you were all right. EMILY! CARLY. I thought you died. Yeah well it was all just a big cover up. Faith who is this? Oh um Raven this is Emily - my ex girlfreind. Wait let me get this straight - you already had a girlfriend but you decided to reject me multiple times becauseI was a female? Well yeah um you see. I went to a conversion camp when I was 12 and I was trying to not go back because I thought it would be against everything I was well you know. Oh I I'm sorry I didn't know. It's fine. So you to are and Raven a couple now? Yeah I guess so Carly. Well I should get going. Nonsense I have thought you were dead for five years. Heh yeah I forgot. Knock knock. Come in. Hi ms. Arthur. Your test results came back and well you have a mysterious looking spot on your leg. We did all the test but it only showed up in one do you by chance know what it is? Yeah actually, when I was little my mom and dad put a gos tracker in me cause I kept getting lost but it ended in a very bad ending which led to only a part of it coming out. I have had multiple surgeries to remove it but no one can get it out. Oh well that makes us feel a lot better. Oh and mentally you will probably suffer from severe cases of PTSD but I'm sure you could probably guess that. Oh and I almost forgot you are going to be released today. Um dr. Mack. Yes ms. Arthur. We dont have a way home. Oh um still now word from the folks? Uh well you see they are um dead now. Oh um I'm sorry for your loss I will pay for your taxi rid home. Would you like me to call it now. Yeah that would be great thank you. Your welcome. Raven I didn't know that your parents died. How did they die well I am still waiting for Clarke to tell me but that will probably be a while. She has a hard time with that kind of stuff. On well um sorry to hear about them and um where are we going to live exactly? My house. My aunt pays for everything because it was her house but she didn't want it and my parents needed it but they couldn't pay for everything so my aunt takes care of it. Oh. Hey Faith can I talk to you in private. Yeah Emily one second. The two step outside. I need to tell you something. Ok go for it. My parents are dead and I was labeled dead so I would be protected but now my replacement family has disowned me because I had a girlfriend. Do you think I could live with you guys until I can get on my feet. I cant speak for that it is Ravens house and if she says yes you are going to have to get a job to help me out. Ok I also want to apologize for how I treated you when we first started dating I should have never said the things I said and I still am in love with you and I hope you feel the same.That's all in the past now ok and by the way I'm sorry my parents killed yours. It's not your fault that they did it. I know. Little did the two know they left the door opened and Raven could hear everything. Faith didn't say if she still had feelings for her or not. Does she not like me? Am I not good enough? Oh stop it your overthinking it. No your not, she definitely is still in love with Emily. God damet why does everyone in my life end up turning out to be something I didn't think or want them to be. Ugh. You know what let's find out if Faith likes me or her.

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