Chapter 12: The sound of encouragement

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Oh my god are you ok? No, no I'm not. I cant feel my leg. What? Faith walked over to see Raven. Oh shit there is blood everywhere. Turn on a light Faith I cant see. Oh no that is not good. You need to take off your sweat pants. I cant. Its almost like my whole leg is stuck to the ground. Ok I will remove them. Faith started to remove the pants from Ravens body. Fuck fuck fuck. Stop please I can still feel my waist. Ok just go easier please. Faith continued to remove the sweat pants. Oh my god that is bad Raven. I need to call an ambulance. 911 what's your emergency? Uh yeah my girlfriend just sliced her leg opened and she cant feel it and there's blood everywhere. Ok mam I need you to comfort your girlfriend until an ambulance comes. Its important to keep her calm. Ok. What's the address? 2789 Nixon drive. Ok thank you an ambulance is on its way. Ok Raven just stay calm. Faith I'm scared. I know you just have to stay calm ok. Can you tell me how it happened? Yeah I went to get out of bed to go pee and I tripped on these shoes and fell into my nightstand. Who's shoes are these? I think there Clarke's. What would Clarke's shoes be doing in her? I have no idea. Oh god that doesn't feel good. What is it? Big time pain in my upper inner thigh. Do you want me to try and see if its cut there to? Yeah that would be great. Faith moved her hand from Ravens and put it on her inner thigh. Ok I am in a lot of pain but this, this feels really good. Raven started to breathe heavily. Are you ok. Yep totally fine. Are you sure. Oh yeah I'm sure. The two could hear the sirens that they have heard way to much in the past year. When they brought in the yellow stretcher Faith started to have a flashback of the shooting. Mam. Mam hello. Faith. Oh sorry. Are you riding with her? Um yeah yes. Emily can you - oh wait your still drunk. Am not. Yes you are. Clarke Carly  can you guys handle getting to school on time and riding the bus? Yeah that's fine. Raven I'm so sorry about my shoes. If I wouldn't have went in there for ibuprofen this wouldn't have happened. Clarke it's not your fault you were in a lot of pain so it was reasonable for you to go get medicine and forget to take your shoes with you. Promise me you won't blame yourself for this. I promise. Of course Clarke blamed herself. When they got to the hospital Raven went into emergency surgery. Faith was yet again having another flashback of the shooting. She needs A neg blood now. Doctor we dont have any. I have A neg blood. Ok get her to the room. Ravens flashback was interrupted when she heard cries of a child. She looked over and saw a little boy all by himself. He couldn't have been any older than 8. Hey bud what's the matter? My mommy and daddy are getting a divorce. My mommy told my daddy she didn't want to be with him and he threw a bottle and a hammer at her. She is in a lot of pain. Oh I know how you feel. You do? Yeah my dad was the s as me way. My parents never got a divorce but they should have. Can I ask you why your here? Yeah. Uh I'm here because uh my girlfriend got hurt really bad. She sliced her whole leg opened. She cant feel it so I  am worried a lot about her. Oh that doesn't sound good at all. Yeah it's not a great situation but then again I dont know how many people here are in a good situation. Yeah it is a hospital. You've got a great point bud. What's your name? Oh I'm Faith. I'm Levi. Nice to meet you Levi. Same to you Faith. You know for a young man your quiet mature and well mannered. Thank you. Your welcome. Is anyone here with you Levi. Yeah my Grandma is here oh and my aunt. Well I hope your mom ends up to be ok. Same for your girlfriend which by the way if two girls can be a couple can two boys be a couple? Yeah totally. Why do you ask? I like this boy at my school but I didn't think that two boys or two girls could be a couple. Oh well yeah two boys can love each other, two girls can love , multiple people can like each other at the same time, some like boys and girls. Do you have a phone? Yeah I do. Look up LGBTQ all of your questions will probably be answered by that Google search. Thank you Raven. Your welcome Levi. Ms. Dickson. Oh that's me I have to go. Ok good luck with that boy you like. Thank you. Your very welcome. Ok ms. Dickson Ms. Arthur has suffered severe nerve damage to her leg. Unfortunately she won't be able to feel it ever again but we do have a special brace that she could wear to allow her to walk. Now this brace is very new so we are not 100% sure if it works. We will take it. Ok I will go get one. You can go in and talk to her if you would like. Ok thank you. Hey Raven how you feeling? I'm not feeling that's the problem. Yeah I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's not your fault. Its nobody's fault. I should have known that something would happen to me when things were just about to start being some what normal for me. Everytime good things happen to me bad follows shortly after. Hey I'm sure that's not the case. You just have a little bad luck that's all. Believe what you want to believe Faith but I know that bad always follows me. Raven you are the kindest, sweetest, selfless, beautiful, caring person I know and you want me to believe that evil would want to follow the nicest person I know. Like I said believe what you believe I'm done arguing. Ok fine do you need anything? Yeah and extra blanket would be nice. Ok be back in a minute. Faith went to the front desk to ask for a extra blanket. Excuse me miss can I get an extra blanket in room 384. Oh are you that girl Raven was talking about. Uh I guess so. Oh she always talks about you. Like every week. Wait why is she here every week? Oh you dont know. Know what? Raven had nerve damage when she was born which caused her to have seizures. She comes every week to make sure everything is working properly and that the medication is still working. Fuck me. She didn't tell me any of that. Yeah she doesn't like to talk about it. Her parents were very crazy over her situation which made them decide to get a divorce but they ended up getting killed so they never went through with it. Obviously. Oh well thank you for telling me and for the extra blanket. Your welcome just dont tell Raven I told you just say you over heard one of talking about it. Yeah sure thing. Thanks. Faith walked back to the room with the stiff blanket. Thanks Faith. Yep. So I just overheard a conversation about how you come here every week because when you were a kid you had nerve damage which caused seizures. Is that true? Well um. Raven the truth please. Ok yes it's true. I dont like to talk about it. Raven why would you keep som8so bug from me. I am your girlfriend. I am supposed to know things like this and you should feel safe enough to tell me. Do you not feel safe with me? Faith no of course not. I feel very safe with you it's just the situation brings up dark memories an and " Raven started to cry" it is really hard for me to remember those memories. Hey look at me it's ok I am here for you. I dont want you to feel alone with all of that pain. I love you and I will be with you through everything. You know that right? Yes I know but it's hard for me because I've always been alone with the memories. Faith gave Raven a huge hug and kissed her on the forehead. Ok ms. Arthur we have your brace. Oh thank you. Ms. Dickson I will show you how to put it on her so you can do it in the future. The doctor headed towards the two with the brace. Ok so first you want to slide it on the leg, the take these two straps and tighten them as much as you can. Once you have done that you need to hit this button and make sure it is on auto. That is very important. And that would be how you put on the brace. Quick and simple. Thank you doctor. Sure thing. Have you guys figured out when I will be able to leave? Yes in a few days. Maybe two or three. Ok thank you. Let me know if there is anything else I can do. Ok will do. Back home the girls were getting ready for the second day of school. For Carly it would be different but Carly fitted in with everyone at her old school until she transitioned from male to female. At this school no one would know not even Clarke. For Clarke on the other hand it would be pure hell. Beeper beep. Oh shit its 6:45 we are going to be late.

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