chapter 10: Oh the mysteries

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When Faith and Raven got back Emily was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee. So did you guys have fun last night? Uh. Yeah you guys were kind of well loud. Oh my god um I just remember I have to uh clean out my closet. Clarke walked into school with her head held down. All of a sudden Clarke gets shoved to the ground by a middle school bitch aka mean girl. Ow! Oh is the little orphan going to cry huh? What are you sad that you were to WEAK to save mommy and daddy hm? Or are you sad because you are just a sad little piece of shit? Clarke starts to cry. Leave me ALONE! Oh you think that mommy and daddy would be happy with that tone hm? Oh yeah I forgot to mention how your sister was saving lives while you sat there and let your parents die. Bam! Clarke swings at Sasha and hits her in the shoulder. Sasha's minions shoved Clarke to the ground and started to beat on her. HEY! Let her go! Oh what is the super squad going to save the little orphan? Bam! Emily and Noah start to punch Sasha and her minions. HEY what is going on in here? Oh principle Saltsman thank god Clarke just came at me for no reason so I defended  my self. Oh no you dont that is not what happened, Sasha was verbally abusing Clarke about her parents and her sister so Clarke got upset and hit her in the shoulder. All of you my office now! Ring ring. Hello this is Raven Arthur. Ah ms Arthur I need you to come down to the school there's been a situation with Clarke. What kind of situation? A bad one I will explain when you get here. Who was that? It was mrs. Saltsman the principal. What did she want? I need to go down to the school something about Clarke. Can you drive please. Yeah let's go. Raven! Oh my god Clarke what happened to you? I I she was in a fight with Sasha Michel. The police are involved because of the damage she left on Clarke. If you would like to press charges let us know. I am going to leave you guys alone to decide. Thank you. Clarke what happened out there. Well um she was um verbally abusing me about mom and dad and well you. I got mad and punched her in the shoulder and then they threw me on the ground and started to beat on me. Raven gave Clarke a soft hug and looked at her. Were going to take care of this ok. Raven we cant press charges. We dont have enough money or time at that matter. We have to we cant just let this go unjustified. Raven we cant. Faith! I will not let another person hurt my family! I have let so many slide but I have had enough with people hurting us! Ok I will tell principle Saltsman we are going to press charges. Ah ms. Dickson have you and ms. Arthur made a decision? Yeah we are going to press charges. Ok, I want you to know that we do not take this situation lightly. Yeah we know. Principle Saltsman gave Faith a smile and walked into the room where Sasha and her parents were. Ms. Arthur we have called a ambulance for Clarke. Thank you. Oh and the court date is August 10th at 10 am. Ok thank you. The ambulance got to the school to take Clarke to the hospital. Clarke will be fine with a little bit of rest and some stitches. Ok thank you doctor when will she be released? In about an hour. Ok thank you. Raven looked into the hospital room where Clarke was sleeping. She's been through so much and I dont know how to comfort her for all she's been through. I cant even get her to talk to me about it. Ring Ring. I got to take this its Carly. Hello. Faith I need help. I kinda tried to bail mom out but they wouldn't let me and now I am in a cell because I tried to get past the doors to see mom. Carly Shay Dickson what the fuck! Are you fucking kidding me! First of all why did you go and try to release our crazy maniac mom from jail and second why try go past the doors you know something bad would come from it. I know I know I just felt emotions come over me and I did some really stupid shit I mean things. You know what you got your self in this mess you get your self out. Please I cant get out unless an adult comes to get me. Fine I will be there in a little. Please hurry I need my estrogen really badly. Ok I will see you in a little. Love you sis. Yeah yeah. Is everything ok? No she got herself in a jail cell and now I have to drive to New York to get her and I have to bring her estrogen. Wait Carly is trans? Oh shit I wasn't supposed to say anything about that. Yes she is trans but you cant tell her I told you she would kill me like for real. Ok i won't say anything to her. Is she at least ok? Yeah she's fine for now at least until she does something stupid. Ms. Arthur  Clarke is about to be released I just need you to sign here to release her. Ok you are all set to go. Thank you. Hey Clarke it's time to go. Thank god because I didn't want to spend any more time pretending to sleep. Its surprisingly hard to fake sleeping. Oooookkkkk. The three leave the hospital to go home. The whole ride the car was completely silent. Ok were home you two go inside I've got to go get my idiot sister out of jail. Have fun with that. Yeah have fun. The two sisters head inside while Faith pulled out of the driveway. Are you hungry? No not really I'm just kinda tired. Ok if you need me I will be on the couch doing school. Why dont you use mom's old office to do work in there? It would probably be better seeing there is an actual computer and printer and everything you would need for school. Clarke you know why I'm not in there. Well were going to have to go in there sometime. Yeah I know just go to bed. Clarke headed to her room leaving Raven in the livingroom. Maybe I should go into mom's office. No I cant yet it's to soon. Well I am in their bedroom. No I'm not going in there yet. End of story. Raven sat on the couch with her notebooks and laptop when she heard a noise in her mom's office. Fuck, I literally just said I wasn't going in there but now I have to. Damet. Raven limped through the house to her mom's old office. Emily? Oh Raven, I didn't know you were home. Well I am and what are you doing in my mom's desk? I was just um looking for a sharpie. Oh here's one. Emily what were you really doing in my mom's desk? I told you getting a sharpie. Ok for the last time what were you doing in my mom's desk?! Ok I was looking for military badge. My mom was never in the milatary. Well she actually was. She was in a secret branch called S.T.A.F.A standing for special task and force agency. How do I know your not lying? Emily showed her the badge. Dam my mom was a soldier and I didn't even know it. Oh and why do you need her badge? Well the agency gets people to go out and get them before  the family finds it and she is my aunt. Wait so your mom is my aunt Becca? No my mom is your aunt Caroline. Wait my mom never mentioned her. Well they kinda had a falling out when your mom told her that she was joining the milatary. Well dam I guess your my cousin then. Yeah I'm surprised you didn't remember me. Why do you say that? Well I was the first person you told that you were gay and you also stole my girlfriend in 8th grade. Oh fuck that was your girlfriend? She said that she wasn't dating anyone and that she had a crush on me for like five years and for the whole telling you I am gay i told Faith first. Uh well actually you told me first but you were absolutely wasted at a club downtown. Oh well that makes a little more sense. Yeah well that's not all I have to go and serve in place of your mom. Wait why you and not me or my sister? Well um I cant say. Emily you have two seconds to tell me or things will end badly. Raven you do realize I have been training for almost my whole life? Yeah well I have been trained by the best my mom. Wait how did you know that she was the best in the agency. Uh um on second thought I dont need to know why they chose you and not me. Raven speak now! Ok ok, I knew my mom was apart of a secret agency but not S.T.A.F.A. when I was ten I overheard her talking on the phone and she said that they were moving some highly dangerous people to Canada. That's all I knew until you told me what you did. Great now the agency needs to know that you know hold on while I call them. Hello this is agent Docs. The bird has found the worm I repeat the bird  has found the worm. All of a sudden twenty people in all black came into the house. Ms. Arthur we are going to need you to come with us. I cant my sister. She will be fine we will leave an agent with her. Now let's go. They put a black bag over Ravens head and put her in a helicopter. Ok ms. Arthur were here. When they removed the bag what Raven saw was amazing.

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