Chapter Thirteen: Battle of the bands announcement

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Emily Grammont's POV

"Do you want to get out of here?"

Before I could even say anything, August pulled me outside to get some fresh air. Luckily, there wasn't anyone on the parking lot. It was just me and him.

I have a feeling he overheard me and my mom. It must be awkward not just for me, but for him.

I know where this is going. He's going to comfort me? I don't think that is necessary. It's not like my mom is a bad mom or anything, but I have already gotten used to her pressures and demands. She used to be a great violinist herself, but she got pregnant at a young age, and became a single mom.

It must be hard pursuing your music career while trying to raise a baby girl, right? I love my mom but she's just a bit too strict sometimes.

"So," August said. "Congratulations for being second place! I know you're going to do even better next time."

"Thanks for believing. I'll make sure to practice extra hard for you" I said without thinking, and that made him blush. Stupid me, it came out wrong.

"Emily," August said. "if you have . . . you know. Something you would want to get off your chest. . . you can always tell me. Or you can tell the other girls in the club it might be bet-" He stopped talking when he saw me laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" He said, confused.

"I knew you brought me out here to cheer me up. That's so predictable." He just looked at me without any idea of what I was talking about.

"Whatever. I just have an idea in my head what kind of guy you're like" That is true. August may not know it himself but he influences the people around him in a good way.

"Like what? Oh now I'm so curious to hear that."

"It's a secret" He protested but I wouldn't budge. You'll know it soon enough, Autumn.

I guess I trust him enough to vent out on him.

"About what happened, it's nothing much really. I'm already used to it. She's not an abusive mother if that's what you're thinking. She used to be a musician but she had to stop due to family problems so she passed on her dream to me."

"But, that's harsh isn't it? She didn't even look proud when you won second place."

"YOU try telling that to her"

"No way. I'm scared of your mother" I can't help but to giggle.

"So what are you trying to say?"

"Don't let it bother you that much, okay? Whether you win or you lose, you were still my favorite."

"Of course dummy. I'm the only one you knew personally. And let me clear something up, August. I HAVE to win. I . . . I just want to make my mother happy. She has done so much for me. I don't want to let her down again. I tried my best, you know? But it's still not good enough and deep inside, I know. I want to win for myself too"

"Look, August. I'm sorry I spent less time at the club. I promise I'll drop by more often. You really didn't have to make such an effort to cheer me up but, I want you to know I'm glad you did." He smiled.

"Good. I kind of feel bad to see you like that, even worse than when you threw that bottle at me"

"You haven't moved on from that?"

"I did but, It IS too memorable"

I looked at him and realized I had only just noticed his suit and tie. He looked nice with his combed hair and formal attire. He could almost pass as someone from Wayforde, the school for the rich and the wealthy.

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