Chapter Fifteen: It was all worth it

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How did it come to this?

If I hadn't made the choice to join the music club, I wouldn't have been in Waiting for Saturday, and if I wasn't in it, there's a very high probability that I would have been in my room, taking part in some guild raid with a box of pizza by my side. Now, on a weekend, I'm at Wayford for a battle of the bands competition.

The competition will start at 5:00 pm so we spent the whole day practicing. Luckily, it was an original song so whether I mess up the lyrics, nobody is bound to know. That thought gave me the slightest bit of courage.

But also, I was very very nervous. Finally, this is the thing I have been waiting for. I can finally get the chance to make music that would reach someone. A very specific someone at that. I just hope I don't butcher the song.

Remember when I said Aziel was mostly chill and level headed? Who would have known he would be the most nervous. Fortunately, when Mae gave him a pep talk, he returned to his usual self.

I couldn't quite figure out if Julie was anxious as well (because she normally was) but her brother, Seth, didn't show any signs of nervousness. He was just his usual, quiet self. On the plus side though, he learned the art of small talk, so we feel like he is an actual member of the club and not just some robot.

The Prez? All fired up. She was really looking forward to this day.

Me? I just have to make sure I don't piss myself on stage. That would be very embarrassing.

Finally, 5:00 pm came and as we entered the school grounds, I got to see the stage and lights that have been set up. It felt just like an open air concert (not that I have been to one. I just saw videos on the internet) except this time, it's going to be me who will be playing.

Would anybody care? Would someone take pictures? Gasp.

What if someone takes a video at the exact moment I screw up? I hope not. But with my luck, I'm not taking any chances.

Since it's a special event, we all wore civilian clothes and no uniforms. Its kind of surreal actually, because the attire of the other bands couldn't' be more cliché.

At least half of the bands wore black shirts, skinny tight black jeans and converses. I guess everyone is going for the punk look now.

The only exceptions are the Rose Club and Re:play. Rose club dressed as princes while Re:play wore color coded shirts. Green waved to me when he saw me. I'm glad to know at least one group out of them all doesn't seem to hate our guts.

Oh, and Last night at school was weird too. They wore cloaks and other things I could have believed they were going to a cult gathering if I hadn't known any better.

So now, I'm standing at the crowd with the band. Nobody even dared speak. We were the last performers based on drawlots so we would be the one who would be nervous the longest. All around, I keep hearing whispers like

"I only came to watch Max Volume"

"Max volume would destroy the competition"

"Oh my God Kaito is hot"

"Re:Play is good too, and Red is kinda cute"

"You want cute? Look at the Rose Club"

"August is so cool I would probably ask him to marry me"

Okay, the last one was obviously a joke.

Everybody cheered when the host went up on stage and started entertaining and spouting jokes left and right. By that time, Emily slipped into my side and poked at my right stomach.

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