Chapter 2:Going to Find out Deku

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Author note
Welcome back to the story and remember if don't like boy X boy shit the don't read ok There will be Triggers again

Bakugous P.O.V
I will find out what is wrong with Deku if it is the last thing I do. I feel like I'm the cause of him acting like this.
I was walking to my dorm and then I stay in my place and saw Deku go to his dorm. Then went to my dorm room which is right next to Deku's.

Deku's P.O.V

Kanchan is acting weird around me though it's not like I care thought. Kanchan was staring at me when I was going to my dorm.

I was going to put on some nicer clothes and I did then my phone went off.

MOM was the contact I answer it and the first thing I hear is.

Inko on phone, "Oi Brat get your ass home it's fucking Friday !!!"

" Ok, Mom I will, "I say emotionless

My mom hung up

I quickly get my uniform for Monday and get out of my dorm room but was stopped by no other than Katsuki Bakugou.

Bakugou P.O.V

I was going to get some water when I see Deku quickly running out of his dorm but I stopped him.

"Oi Deku why are you running Out of your dorm so quickly?" I say concern.

" I need to go Kanchan ?" He said in worried but it seemed fake to me.

I grab his wrist tightly so he would not run.

"Kanchan it hurts let go it hurts!!?" He said in pain but what could hurt.

I let go and he ran off. Then I realized he just started to hurt when I grab his wrist. I hope he is not doing what I think he is doing.

If it is then I know I'm the cause of it. I ran to my dorm and locked it. I went to my bed and cried hard knowing I cause this.

Evil Bakugou says, "He hates you because And I know it because you bullied him !!!"

Here comes the evil version of Bakugou.

Bakugous Pov
"Leave me alone you're making me feel worse ok!!."I say crying and yelling at others.

" Why can't you Amit that he hates you!!" Other me said

"I don't believe you but at the same time I do ok knowing I might make Izuku depressed," I say still crying.

Deku's POV

That was fricking close yes I can still feel pain but I like it but not when someone else does it except My mom ok.

Now I feel like he knows something is wrong. I walk home and open the door and shut it and then a beer bottle is thrown and hits the wall.


I do as she says and cleans the house up after that I go to bed and try to sleep.

Then I get up and go to the bathroom and grab a razor blade.


the I cut my arm

One cuts

Two cuts

Three cuts

I had about 20 fresh cuts on both arms.
I cleaned up the blood and bang myself up and went to sleep.

Time skip to the next day

Bakugous Pov

My mom called me and said to come home because we were going to visit Inko. I got dress is so nice clothes and went home and said hi to my dad and went to Deku's house.

"Hi, dear Katsuki how are you doing, " Inko said It almost sounds Fake sweet but I shrugged it off though.

"I'm doing fine," I said back happy.

"Izuku dear can you please come down there here ." she smiled

Deku POV

"Izuku dear can you please come down there here ."I hear my mom say sweetly Knowing it is an act

"Yes Mom," I say emotionless.

When I got downstairs I saw Mitsuki and Kanchan. Great more pretending again.

I put on my fake smile.

"Hi there dear Izuku how have you been?"Mitsuki says

"Hi I'm doing good" I lied and put on a fake smile and happiness

" Oi Deku" Kanchan says

"Hi Kanchan, "I say with fake happiness and smiles.

Bakugous POV

When Deku said yes mom it sounded emotionless. As Deku was talking it sounded fake, not real happiness and when he smiled it seems fake as well.

My mom and I ate dinner with Deku and his mom but Deku didn't even eat a single thing.

After eating we left and went back to The house that I live in with my mom and dad.

I tried to sleep but couldn't because all that is on my mind is Izuku and how he didn't even eat and how his Smiles seem fake and his emotions.

I was worried about Deku and the truth is that I had a crush on him since we were Four or five years old. I cried when he didn't come to my birthday party. I said only cool people can go to my party. I thought Deku was cool.

"Mom, is Deku coming ?" I asked

"He will come just wait ok, "My mom said

That was a lie after the party I went up to her.

" Thanks for coming. "Said happy.

"Yes Katsuki what's wrong?" my mom said worriedly

" He didn't come Mom he didn't show up, "I say crying

" Katsuki it's ok calm down ok," She said trying to cheer me up.

I cried a lot that night

End of flashback
Deku was special to me and I wanted to protect him but I can't now because he has a quirk now.

Deku's POV

When they both left my mom stopped her act and hit me with a glass beer bottle and blood started to come up.

"OI brat clean the Fucking dishes alright Useless Deku?!!" My mom yelled at me.

I did what she told me and went to clean up and get dress and go to sleep.

Author note
TO BE CONTINUED stay for chapter 3 to find out what happens next ok.

Hope you like chapter 1 and 2

Words count 10475

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