Chapter 4:You don't have pretend around me

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Author note
Triggers                   Thing don't like don't read
---------------------     -----------------------------------
Abuse                        Boy X Boy
Self-harm                Bakudeku
Language               MHA
Depression           Gay stuff
Bakugous POV
  I went to Deku's house and I knock on his door to pick him up.  The door opens and I see through that fake smile and happiness all I see is emptiness Through it  Deku was not happy I know it.

  "Are you ready Deku ?"I asked if he was ready.
Deku's POV
    I saw Kanchan at the door. I faked everything again.

"Are you ready Deku?" He s
Asked me.

    "Yeah I'm ready," I say I get my stuff and put it in the car.
I wave goodbye but it's was fake.

    I was faking everything not knowing what was going on but  I don't care.

Then Kanchan said something I would not think he would say.

"You don't have to pretend around me Izuku. "He said to me

  Kanchan knows I'm faking everything but how can he see through it how.

"What do you mean Kanchan," I say Faking an emotion again.

" Stop Faking a smile and happiness and emotions please I know it's not real I can see they facebook "

He can tell I guess I don't have to fake them anymore around him.
"Ok Kanchan," I say with no emotions

"Thanks, Izuku depresses me to see you fake emotions and a smile," Kanchan says.

     We made it to Kanchan's house and we entered his mother hugs me like crazy like I was gonna Disappears for some unknown reason.

   "Kanchan how do you know you felt an emotion?" I asked him
Bakugous POV
Izuku just asked me a question to some I could tell.

"Well How you can feel the emotion happy is when you're world is brighter and no one can bring you down. "I say

" Then anger is like you want to kill something or Punch it, "I say

    " Then there's love there are many types of love you can know like parent love but the there is love where you love someone like have butterfly's in your belly and your too nervous to go around them but you feel safe around them or you want to protect them, "I say because I love Izuku but he needs time to figure out though because I'm not pushing him.

Deku's POV

     As Kanchan tells me about emotions the last one got me thinking. I was nervous around kanchan it was hard to say stuff around him.

      I don't know if I felt emotion or not. All I know is that my belly feels like there is something in it and it's moving is that means something.

     I don't understand why I Have an emotion just for him I feel like I want to touch him like I'm going to die.

  I was in Kanchan's arms and water came falling out my eyes.

"Kanchan why is there water coming out of my eyes?"  I asked with water camping to my eyes as if he knew.

    " Your crying Deku  it means your sad you feel like it's dark and rainy in life and you feel down "

Bakugous POV

    After telling him what was love he hugged me and cry's in my chest. I hugged him back.
  He asked me why there was water coming out of his eyes.

  I answered his question and explain what it meant. 

   Then he kept his face on my chest I just stayed there to calm him down.
After he was doing he went to the couch and sat there.

  I went to my room and I grab something I hide it from my mom and dad and everyone.

No one knows my secret spot for stuff.

unsanitary self-harm from Bakugou.

    I grab the razor blade and cut my wrist each cut was a mean thing I said and did to Izuku.

    have had have been doing this since I loved Deku so I hated myself for what I did to him?? This is like a punishment to myself. 

    I think there was about 46 cut in all. Then I got up and clean up and put banged on and after that, I put my razor blade in my hiding spot.

I walk into the living room and sits next to Izuku.

Deku POV

   Kanchan came back to the living room but he had banged on  I just ignore it I want o cut some badly it feels good and it takes away my problems. Even though I can't feel emotions.

    I did pack some blades my stuff is in Kanchan's room. I have to wait until Kanchan is asleep though.

   I don't know why but I feel like not letting Kanchan leave and hug him forever.

"Kanchan I feel like I don't want you to leave Kanchan?" I say to Kanchan

" Like they will Disappear any minute?" Kanchan answers back

"Yeah  What does it mean Kanchan? "

"It means I'm special to you Izu," Kanchan says.

    I did something with my mouth I went up at the corners of my mouth.

"Okay Kanchan," I say in a way different than usual
Bakugous POV

   Deku just smiled a real smile and he sounds happy actual happiness.  I was the cause of him doing real happiness.

I was happy I got him to smile for real and feel happy.

I hugged Deku In happiness.

"Kanchan what is this feeling it feels good?"

"Your feeling happiness Izuku and your Smiling, "I say

Deku Hugs me back
" Okay Kanchan," he says  happily

Deku POV

I don't know why but I feel safe in his arms does this mean to love?

"Kanchan if I feel safe in someone's arena does that means I love them? "I asked

" Yeah Izuku you love someone if you feel safe in someone's arms and you like their company and their touch"Kanchan answer my question

I felt all of those things so I love Kanchan

"Kan-Kanchan I think I L-l-love love you Kanchan!" I say I didn't know why I studied.

Bakugou Pov
  That sentence was the one that made me happy so much.

"Izuku I love you too," I say  back to him

"You do Kanchan ?" He asked

"I love you very much Izuku, "I say


Author note

Number of words - 1057 

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