Chapter 30

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October 28th

In the last few weeks, the press seemed to have laid off all of the rumors of the engagement, abuse and 'criminal' behaviour that arose from that interview. Annabeth had made a quick video that cleared up any misconceptions of what happened and someone had anonymously released the un-doctored footage to the public. They had their suspicions as to who had done it but it was better their suspicions remain just that just in case anyone was to question the legitimacy of the whole thing.

They intended to put the whole thing behind them. Better things were on the horizon and Annabeth's diary was bursting at the seams from all the events she was to look forward to.

Today, Annabeth had to be at a photography studio for 10am to shoot some pro-shots. It was all for advertising purposes, but she was looking forward to it all the same. This would be the first time she would wear her costume and her wig for the part. Everything was starting to feel so real, just as real as the feeling of her stomach clenching when she saw the countdown until January 11th.

She'd gone for a run half an hour earlier that morning to allow enough time to get to the studio (Percy had been pretty frustrated when she had ruined his lie in but that's on having a cuddly boyfriend - not that she was about to complain) and as per Apollo's instructions, she had tied her freshly washed hair into a loose braid so that someone could guide her through pin curls and wig application. Hurriedly, Annabeth applied a small amount of makeup, gathered her bags and said goodbye to Percy.

The studio was difficult to find and consequently she had to jog between a few buildings. She was certain it was somewhere on this block, though it still took twenty minutes and a hasty google search for her to realise she was looking on the wrong side of the street.

Kayla greeted her in the lobby, her wig already on and styled with a pink scrunchie.

"Annabeth, you're here!" She gasped, shoving her into the next room. "They're shooting Luke at the minute so we have about 10 minutes to get you ready. Get this on and then I'll help you pin your hair."

Once again, Annabeth got ready in record breaking speed. The costume, a pale blue dress and waitresses apron, was made to fit and slipped on like a glove. She felt a rush of pride when she opened the small plastic bag with brand new 'Jenna' badge inside and pinned it to her shirt. Not even a moment later, Kayla tugged her hair loose from the braid and dragged a brush through it. Annabeth winced but knew better than to complain - they were already tight for time.

"Right, can we get the girls, Jenna, Dawn and Becky?"

She cursed as Kayla tried to shove a curly, blonde wig on her head. It had been made to resemble her own hair though as Annabeth felt the pins dig into her scalp, she couldn't help but wish she didn't have to wear it.

"Here, let me help." The photographer speaks again, setting her camera down by the bags of flour that are stacked up on a coffee table. Annabeth watches in the mirror as she holds the front of the wig down to her forehead and pulls it over her scalp. She appreciates her style, sort of preppy with an edge scary goth girl - though maybe it was less scary and more theatrical. "My name's Paris, by the way. Big fan of yours."

Annabeth couldn't help but blush at the compliment as she watched Paris trim the lace of the wig, the small beads weaved amongst the braids in her hair catching the light. She finishes quickly and swipes a brush of highlighter across Annabeth's cheeks and nose.

"Right, let's get to it." Paris' camera is in her hands again and she's instructing them to pick up a dash of flour each. The flour sticks to her clammy hands as she stands before the camera listening to the countdown before the three of them take a breath and blow. Kayla coughs as she inhales the puff of flour and the photographer chuckles. "Shall we try that again?"

It takes several attempts but finally Paris grins and shows them the camera screen before ushering Annabeth in front of the white screen for some solo shots. "Finger on your chin, look thoughtful." Knowing just what to do from the previous Waitress adds, she looks over to one side, purses her lips slightly and and tilts her head. It seems to please the photographer because the camera shutter snaps several times and then she finishes, satisfied.

They spend another few hours posing and by the end of the morning Annabeth's cheeks hurt from the constant smiling. It's almost a relief when someone helps her prise the wig from her forehead, though she's become strangely attached the dam thing. Kayla giggles at the state of their hair when they release the pin curls which admittedly does look pretty funny...

She sends a selfie to Percy.

Apollo floats in with his usual air of arrogance. "Two weeks till the announcement goes public, amigos." He announces, throwing his gym bag down unceremoniously at Luke's feet. Even despite her dislike of him, she pities Luke because she can smell that bag from here.

After what feels like hours of awkward silence and the occasional piece of advice from Apollo, they finally pack up and leave. Feeling somewhat peckish, Annabeth and Kayla head to a cafe across the street and order some food.

Since they'd found out they were wearing wigs, Kayla had dyed her hair florescent green which made her stand out against the vintage style of the cafe. Apollo had been thrilled (note the sarcasm) when she'd shown up to rehearsal looking like she was cosplaying as her own highlighted script, but despite the outlandish colors, Annabeth had to admit it did suit her.

"So, are you announcing the part on your Youtube too? Or are you trying to separate them?" Kayla questioned. 

Truthfully, she hadn't even considered keeping them separate. Most of the important aspects of her life were on her channel, why should her Broadway debut be any different?

"I wasn't planning on announcing it as such, but I wasn't going to hide it." Her answer sounded a little timid.

Kayla shrugged from behind her burger. "You do you. I just figured that you might want to keep your theatre stuff separate. I know you're talented and you more than deserve this part, but it's still stunt casting. People might accuse you of only getting it for your fame if you try and advertise it too much."

Maybe now wasn't the right time for Annabeth to think about the clause in her contract that required her to draw attention to the show. There was a pang in her chest at the thought that her success was only on account of her following but the subject was unavoidable and she would have to have that conversation on her channel eventually.

percyjackson18 lookin as beautiful as ever

At least that was able to bring a smile to her face. Still, Annabeth couldn't help but feed the nagging thought that was manifesting in her brain.

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