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Third Person's POV

"Taehyung, this is Jungkook. Your step brother." The dark brown haired male introduced Taehyung to the smaller black haired male who was hiding behind the purple haired male.

The brunette tilt his head in confusion as he slowly made his way, kneeling down in front of Jungkook. "Hey there, kookie. I'm Taehyung. Your older brother."

Taehyung introduce himself as he smiled brightly, reaching out his hand, offering a handshake. The black haired boy peered over his father's legs who nodded his head.

Jungkook nervously took a step forward to Taehyung while taking his hand.

And from that day on, they became step brothers with Namjoon and Jin as their parents. Now let's get onto the story!


The 13 year old brunette sighed in frustration as he comb his soft, brown-ish locks backward with his slender finger. His gaze hardens at the sight of his stack of Mathematics homework.

He still couldn't understand Algebra even though his teacher had gone through countless times.

Even his teacher was out of breath, trying to explain to Taehyung how Algebra works. Suddenly, a thug on his sleeve snap him out of his train of thoughts.

He turned around and found his 10 year old step brother, Jungkook. "Hey, kook. Everything alright, bud?" Taehyung asked softly towards his younger brother as he brought his hand towards Jungkook's black hair, slowly stroking them.

"Taehyungie! Mommy says we could go to the park! Let's go now!" The younger yelled in excitement as he tried pulling the older who cooed at Jungkook's attempt and voice.

"Sorry, kookie but I can't. Taehyungie needs to finish his Math homework. Maybe if hyungie finish his homework, he could bring you to the park?" The brunette debated politely while turning back to his stacked homework.

Jungkook pouted as he made his way to Taehyung's side while making a cute face that includes beady eyes she and pouty lips. "But isn't kookie more important than that... m- me... meth homework of yours, hyungie?"

The latter lightly chuckle as a smile dances on his thing lips. "It's math, kookie and nope. You're way more important than this shitty homework of mine."


The younger repeated as he tilt his head to the side with curiosity spreading through his face. Taehyung immediately slapped his left hand onto his mouth, shouting a 'fuck!' Out of reflex.

"Fuck!" Jungkook repeated once more as he giggles. He clapped his hands together making the brunette's jaw drop. "No, kookie! Don't say that! Mommy will kill me!"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Taehyungie fuck!"

"No, kookie! No! Shhh!"

And right on time, his mother barge into the room. "WHO SAID THAT!?" Jin yelled as he eyed the two boys in the room who stared back in shock. "Taehyungie teach kookie the word 'fuck', mommy!"

As soon as Taehyung's name rolled out of the younger's tongue, Jin immediately made his way to the brunette and pinched his right ear ever so tightly.

"Kim. Taehyung." The mother of the two spoke menacingly while his father was found at the door frame, panting lightly. "W-what happen, Jinnie?" Namjoon panted out as he peeked at the situation.

"Your son, here." He pointed at Taehyung who has been hissing at the pain throbbing on his ear. "Taught Jungkook the 'f' word."

Namjoon's left eyebrow raised upwards as he crossed his arms in confusion. "Fork?" Jin stared at his husband with the 'are you frickin serious?' Look before shaking his head in denial.




"Honey, no."

"Oh! Fuck?"

The room went silent as Jungkook giggles can only be heard. "Oh shit!" Namjoon yelled as he covers his mouth with his two hands. "Shit, shit, shit!"

"Kim Namjoon!" His wife yelled as he made his way to the purple haired husband who ran through the hallways with his husband, Jin, tailing behind him.

The two boys was left by themselves, giggling together. "That was funny, kook. Good job." The brunette continues to laugh as he clench his stomach. Clearly unaware a wide open mouth Jungkook stared at him in awe.

"Hyungie, has anyone told you that you have a beautiful smile and a laugh!?" He yelled as he ran to Taehyung, stars shining brightly into the younger's eyes.

Taehyung's laugh died down as he gave a boxy smile towards the black haired. He kneeled down to Jungkook's height while ruffling his hair. "Nope. You're the first, kook."

"Don't worry, hyungie. From now on, I'll be the only one who can call your smile and laughter beautiful!" Jungkook giggles as he pounced onto the older who was laughing along, arms wrapped around Jungkook's waist.

- 5 years passed -

"Kim Jungkook! Get your heavy ass out of bed! We're late!" The brunette yelled at the top of his lungs before throwing a nearby pillow towards the younger's way.

The black haired groan as he propped himself with his elbows while his eyes were still close. "Hyuung. I don't wanna' go school. Can't we just skip?" He muttered out as he tried hugging his brother.

Taehyung swiftly dodge Jungkook's arms and playfully rolled his eyes. "No, no. I'm not hugging you in your half-asleep state. Go and have a shower. Jimin in waiting for us."

He got up from the edge of Jungkook's bed, walking out of his bedroom. The black haired scoffed under his breath as soon as he heard that-that midget's name.

"That dwarf-boy-stealer-clown! Sooner or later, hyung will be mine." He poke his tongue onto his inner cheeks in anger as he got up from his bed, walking over to his towel rack and violently snatching his maroon towel off the rack.

Before walking into the shower, his gaze falls onto the the small frame on his night table. A 10 year old Jungkook smiling brightly along with his beloved brother, Taehyung. Behind them was their parents.

Jin had his hands placed on Taehyung's shoulder while Namjoon has his right arm wrapped around his husband's shoulder with his free hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Don't worry, mom. Dad. I'll take good care of hyung." He sighed as he walked into the shower, remembering the memories of his parents in the car accident.

- End of Chapter 1

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