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Third Person's POV

The brunette woken up groggily. Each of his eyelids felt utterly heavy as he groaned at the excruciating pain that's constantly throbbing on his head.

His throat felt hoarse as he blinked his eyes countless of times, trying to regain back his vision and senses.

Everything was too shaky and blurry as he continues to blink his eyelids together.

"Sweetie! You're finally awake!" The joyous voice startled the brown haired as he immediately darted his eyes to where the source of the voice was from.

The tone sends cold shivers down his spine as his vision started to gather. The younger stood by the door, slightly leaning against the frame of the door, proclaiming his excitement.

"J-jungkook!? What happen!? What the hell did you do to me!?" Taehyung exclaimed as he scanned the room he was in.

It was not familiar to the latter. It was scented with rotten flesh and blood which was REALLY disgusting as Taehyung wanted to throw up so badly the moment he opens his mouth.

Every inch of this room was mismanaged. It was a big empty, deserted room with Taehyung in the center of the room.

The teen tried rising up from his seat but only to realized that his feet was tied to the legs of the chair while both his hands were tied onto the handles of the old and rusty chair.

Jungkook let out a small laugh as he walked his way towards Taehyung in a normal pace with a calm smile plastered on his lovesick-chronic features.

"Hyung~" He called out with a melody tone before stopping in front of the brunette, smiling as innocent as an angel— which he was the complete opposite.

The older couldn't reply as his lips were sealed tight. All he could do was stare up to the black haired with horror. "Why're you looking at me like that? Aren't you happy now I got him out of our way?" He added with a bright smile replacing the calm look on his face.

"W-what? Who a-a-are you referring t-to?" Taehyung stuttered as he started to tremble slightly under the intense gaze from the younger. The black haired chuckled lightly at the hint of fear from the latter.

"Jimin hyung of course!" Jungkook beamed out with ecstasy glowing brightly in his eyes, even stars couldn't compete with it. "What the h-hell did you do to... to him!?"

The brunette raised his voice in anger as burning hot liquids started pooling in his eyes as he tried blinking them away to see the person in front of him clearly.

"What? You... you still care for him!? I thought you loved me! Don't tell me you love that garden gnome tomato head pervert!" The black haired barked back as he formed his hands into a tight fist in fury.

"N-no! I-" The brown haired tried to debate his misunderstanding with Jungkook who continues to assume conclusions. "I killed him for you, hyung! Don't you remember when we were kids!? When our parents passed away, you specifically told me- PERSONALLY, that I was the only one you love!"

"Don't drag mom and dad into this mess of yours! Why the hell did you kill him you deranged psychopath!" Taehyung spat out with the emotions of anger and sorrow as he tried his best to get up from his seat to strangle the younger but only to struggle with the tight rope

It hurts him— no. It angers him, knowing the fact that his own brother killed his best friend. The sense of melancholy was eating him out.

The black haired cracked a weird, chilly smile on his face as he started laughing crazily. "Deranged psychopath you say? I'm already one! Ever since I met you, hyung!"

That sentences made the latter confuse as heck. What the hell does he mean!?

"Don't give that bull crap! Explain yourself, Jungkook!"

"Are you that blind or dense!? I love you, hyung! More than just friends! More than step brothers! Because of you! I'm mad crazy for you! Your 'brotherly' love got me crazy! Do you understand now!?"

The entire room, was filled with the loud pants from Jungkook right after he finished his confession. He left a big impression and Taehyung as he stared at the empty space with parted lips and eyes that looked troubled as his face has been drained looking as pale as white.

Did he... did he heard it right?

".... the hell..." The brunette trailed off as his head hung low in distress. The black haired just stared at the latter, not tearing his gaze off of him for one second.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? You expect me to love you more than just step brothers after you just did!? I hate you! I won't ever love a monster like you!"




The word impaled through Jungkook's heart like a sharp blade.

I-I'm... a monster? H-hyung... called me a monster...

And that was when, Taehyung regretted what he had called the younger. It was the most frightening— terrifying thing he had ever seen. The black haired's lips was stretched to his ears as a psychotic smile took over.

"You're right, hyung. I am a monster. That's why, I'm never leaving you. I'm never letting my eyes off of you, even for a second. And I'm never letting you go."


- End of Chapter 12

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