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Third Person's POV

"STOP! IT'S ME! SNAP OUT OF IT!" The red haired squirm under Jungkook's iron grip around his neck as he tried prying his hand off of his neck. "I've told you countless of time didn't I?"

"Even when we were younger. Kids. Toddlers. I've told you to STAY the hell away from him. And you didn't." The black haired spoke as his voice was laced in dominance.

His tone was terrifying and let's not get to his face. Jungkook's eyebrows remained at its place as his expression showed no emotion. He just stood there, his right hand gripping tightly around Jimin's neck that was probably decorated with purple marks.

Let's rewind to how they got themselves into this situation.


"You need something, kook?" Jimin asked nonchalantly, trying to hide his fear towards the younger. Jungkook let out a chuckle. Not his usual one towards Taehyung though. It was more darker and petrifying.

"Don't call me that you short legged elf. Only Taehyung's allowed to call me that." The red haired raised his right eyebrow towards the black haired as he took a step back.

"W-why gotta' be so hostile, Jungkook? I'm friends with Tae so—"


A fist was found just an inch beside Jimin's head as he was trapped against the lockers. His utterly fearful beady eyes stared into Jungkook's intimidating yet calm ones while he felt his legs went numb.

The black haired scoffed at the shorter male's wretched display before throwing a kick onto the locker, right beside Jimin's legs. Now Jimin's fully caged up.

No where to escape. Jungkook's left leg was trapping Jimin from below while his arms that's fist still attached to the locker, trapping the red haired from moving his head.

The younger sneered at the red haired's frightened expression as he was trembling on the spot. Jungkook grasp his wrist and haul him into a deserted classroom.

The lights in the deserted classroom was dim. It was only the two of them in the dead silent room with a hand gripping— ever so tightly around the shorter male's neck.

Jimin started to thrash tremendously under Jungkook's deadly glare and his strong grip. Soon after, the red haired started choking on his own air. Tears began forming on the corner of his eyes.

"S-STOP! IT'S ME! SNAP OUT OF IT!" The red haired squirm under Jungkook's iron grip around his neck as he tried prying his hand off of his neck. "I've told you countless of time didn't I?"

"Even when we were younger. Kids. Toddlers. I've told you to STAY the hell away from him. And you didn't." The black haired spoke as his voice was laced in dominance.

His tone was terrifying and let's not get to his face. Jungkook's eyebrows remained at its place as his expression showed no emotion. He just stood there, his right hand gripping tightly around Jimin's neck that was probably decorated with purple marks.

Before the older teen out of the two knew it, he passed out due to insufficient amount of air. The younger let out a soft sigh as he lets go of Jimin's neck, watching the pale and almost lifeless body fell to the floor in one smooth movement.

He slid out a syringe from his back pocket which was filled with tranquillizer. Jungkook got on on knee as a smirk crept up to his not-so innocent lips as he gaze upon Jimin's body.

"I told you. Countless. Of. Times. But you just had to block it out and stare at Tae with that annoying googly eyes of yours and do whatever the hell you wanted with my hyung."

The black haired paused momentarily as he let out a dark and bitter chuckle. "I guess you're finally getting what you deserve." And with that last sentence he plunge the long and sharp syringe into Jimin's nape.

He took out a long grey cloth and wrapped them around the red haired's eyes. But something was missing. Jungkook got up from his squatting position and looked around for an item.

And bingo. His eyes darted to the corner of the dark room and strolled his way over. Jungkook bend over and picked up a cotton rope. In full joy, he gripped onto the rope tightly as he made his way to the body being blindfolded.

He once again got onto his knees and swiftly tied Jimin's arms behind his back. Jungkook look over onto his watch as he noticed that most students were either still having classes or they've gone home.

The younger dragged Jimin's body across the room as he opened the door, leaving a small gap as he peeked around. Luckily for him, no one was around in the hallways.

A sigh of relief escaped between his two lips before carrying the heavy weighted male behind his back and made a run for it. He sprint towards his car and opened the door in the backseat with one of his hands while the other was supporting the shorter male behind him.

He practically threw Jimin into the car and slammed the door shut. He quickly ran over to the driver's seat and got into the car. Before leaving the school, he remembered his beloved hyung and took out his phone from his front pocket.

Telling his older brother that he wasn't feeling quite well and he had to go home ASAP. After texting his beloved hyung, he went into his phone pad and dial a number.

"Hey, Yugyeom? Get my things ready. I'll be over in a few minutes."

"Yes, sir. We're on it."

He smirked in satisfaction as he drove off to a pace where only him and a few friends of his, knows. Taehyung must never discover this place.

- End of Chapter 5

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