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Teddy Black, James Potter, Albus Potter, Lily Potter, and Scorpius Malfoy are the master and Mistress of time. They have there own time turner that could go back in centuries. They are also master and mistress of death usually Death has one but fate decided five.

It was 1:30 in the morning when they felt a ting. Teddy woke up immediately and went to get the others. "you guys felt that to right?" he asked in a hushed tone voice. Everyone nodded "I'll apparate to get scorp". They waited a bit and a soft pop was heard. "Lily summon up the veil". The air went cold and then stood a smokey wall and the kids went in.

"Why did you call us in the morning," Scorpius said rubbing his eyes. "because masters and mistress you have a mission" death answered "you will go in 1995 2 minutes before teddy's Father, Sirius died" fate butted in.  "good luck". Scorpius got his time-turner out " 34 turns should do it" and the kids were whisked away.

A/N: I just uploaded a chapter and an author note yesterday and already made a prologue. Now that's productivity anyways, there are wolfstar and scorbus and hinny and ronmione and maybe Luville/Nuna

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