The time travelers

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No one's pov

Before Bellatrix could shoot the stunner a big light appeared and out came 5 children well teens. Scorpius dragged Sirius away from the veil and started shooting spells at death eaters trying to come near him.

"TEDDY TO YOUR LEFT!" Lily shouted still throwing hexes at the death eater she's dueling. Every Order member was shocked so was harry and the D.A. Scorpius started dueling Dolohov while dragging Sirius away. Dumbledore soon showed up with Fudge at the exact moment Voldemort showed up. "he's back"  The minister said in a whisper.

All the death eater apparated and so did Voldemort the prophecy was shattered. They all went back not to Hogwarts but Grimmauld place. "alright who are you kids?!" Mad eye said with a sneer "you might not believe us but-" Teddy was about to say until Albus butted in and said," we are from the future". There was silence "get the veterisim," Sirius said James took it first. " state your full name," Snape said who came here after a minute or two. "James Sirius Potter" there was another silence until Harry said "when were you born"

"July 16, 2000" everyone in the room now believed the 5 teens and Ron handed him the antidote "are you guys death eaters?" moody asked them and Scorpius said," Oh Merlin no why would we be with them!" there was clear disgust in his voice. "why don't you introduce your self." James went first " Hi my name James Sirius Potter I am a prankster extraordinaire and I'm 16 sorted into Gryffindor I am one of the golden marauders and one of the masters of time and my parents are... Drum roll please!" James said "no just tell them" Lily snapped. "fine my parents are Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley!"

There was silence "you knocked up my sister!" Ron yelled at blushing furiously Harry. " I didn't do it yet !" harry replies. "hi I'm Albus Severus potter-" albus was cut off " YOU NAMED YOUR SON AFTER SNIVELLUS?!" Sirius shrieked "he has a good reason!" Albus then said making Sirius stop shouting. "Anyways after the war, a lot has changed." James said " I am also one of the golden marauders and masters of time I'm 14 and in Slytherin" a stunned silence was here a POTTER in Slytherin!.

"Hi I'm Lilith Luna Potter and I am one of the Golden marauders and the Mistress of time I'm 13 and a Gryffindor." lily told them " before I introduce myself I want to say, people change any way I'm Scorpius Malfoy-"

"whAT" Ron screamed

"Ron people can change," Hermine said at a still fuming redhead. " as I said I'm Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy my parents are Draco Malfoy and Astoria Malfoy nèe Greengrass I'm one of the golden Marauders and a Master of time like my namesake I'm in Slytherin and age 14" Scorpius finished.

"Um hi, my names Teddy Remus Black" Sirius and Remus were at a state of shock "are you-" before Remus could finish teddy had Wolf ears and a dog tail. Hermione was cooeing over Teddy about the ears and tail " I don't transform like werewolves but I get a bit grumpy" he said. " I was blood adopted by my Godmother Nyphendora Tonks so I'm a metamorphosis. I'm one of the masters of time and the Golden Marauders. Age is 17 I'm also in Hufflepuff like my godmother."

At that point, Tonks looked like she was about to explode.
They didn't mention master of death, "Why are you guys even here," Snape said not wanting to be with Potter spawns. "well were staying here for um... how long was it?" lily said "when the war ended," Scorpius said," wait so we win?!" Remus said. The teens nodded as cheers of rejoicing happened. "may I speak to Snape privately?" Scorpius said everyone nodded and went into a different room. Scorpius sighed " don't think about telling the dark lord about us"

"how-" Snape started and then cut off "future remember?".

Scorpius replied

"As longs as you don't tell the dark lord, your good " Scorpius said, with a flick of his wrist Scorpius added," this spell will stop the dark lord viewing certain memories". Snape curtly nodded and they proceeded to exit the room.

" We don't have enough room at the burrow so you guys have to stay here visit soon tho." molly said happily at the end. Then all of a sudden Walburgas portrait screamed "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE FILTHY BLOO-" Teddy cast a red light from his wand. " I forgot how loud she was," James said with a groan. " what spell was that?, I've always had to close the curtains by hand to shut her up!" Sirius said.

"We haven't named it yet, we just image the curtains closing" Teddy answered.

A/N: sorry for the long wait I was plotting the next chap for "Gryffindor" so I've changed a lot of things like when the kids were born because I wanted james albus and lily to be in Hogwarts.

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